Oh yeah its pretty bad
Started off really well packed up our lunch all healthy even took fruit (pineapple ,grapes, melon) as snacks to eat round the park

all was going fine until we came out of the park and my husband suggested going out for a meal on the way home

so i didnt have to cook.
Yes i know lovely thought and i was so tired i agreed willingly but normally when i am going out for a meal i wont have any lunch so that allows me to have what i want so i thought oh well i can get really healthy and low in points not a problem.
Worked in theory but being faced with this menu the big fat piggy inside me reared its ugly head saying Food i want Food and lots of it so i had what i would normally have had barbequed baby back ribs and fries

it had salad with it

thats healthy but the dressing i put on it definately was not nor was the garlic and herb croutons sprinkled all over it.
So you would think i would end it there but no not me i had to eat 2 freshbaked bread rolls and 3 little packs of real butter Oink Oink and my massive pig out didnt end there

My husband ordered a dessert with the whippy cornish icecream and pofiteroles of course i had to eat half so yeah it definately is that bad and worse.
On the plus side i absolutely enjoyed every mouthfull

but with only two days before weigh in it was a pretty stupid move so i have fallen off my pedestal i put myself on for doing so well.
I went 24 points over today

and with a daily allowance of 26 i have had tomorrows points as well as todays opps my bad

I had stayed the same this week apart from my put on 5lbs / lose 5lbs overnight job but i think i could possibly see my first gain this week.