Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Yesterday I put on a pair of trousers I havent worn since the spring, before resuming Atkins. Well they hang on me now. I have lost 22+ pounds and they are loose all over and inclined to slip down. Not too badly at the moment, but I foresee the need for braces..... LOL! YAY!!!!
Thanks Susie. Yes it is now cooling down. It is 24c in the house now, whereas it was 31 generally in the middle of summer. I have put the fan away in the bedroom and I can put on makeup and it stays where it was put (oh glory). As for the weight, OK I know I am not slim, but I see a slight squareness about the shoulder area. Stomach needs a lot of work though. Need to do some exercises.
Ooh 24 sounds perfect - actually it wasn't so bad here today but i know it wont last:eek:
I lost it today. Lost focus. I will get it back, just needed to stuff my face. It hasn't helped how I feel. I was grimly out of control. It will pass. Since last Saturday a simmering family problem has exploded. I wont say what. But I so wish I was in the UK to help, but in reality I know I would only make the situation worse. I feel so bad tonight my heart is pounding and my hands dont feel steady. Ideally things will settle down, but I fear this is like me believing in Fairies......
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry to hear that you've got a family thing upsetting you so ((((Lynne))))).

I really know how emotionally difficult that can be, I've no family here, they're all back in NZ, and they are a volatile lot at times, I'm always dragged into one flare up or another - with no way of really helping without jumping on a plane and going there.

Your focus will come back, just get past this issue and then get back on the wagon. The last thing you need is the guilts because you've gone off plan. Some things are more important xxx
I'll be back tomorrow and keep at it. Its like being schizophrenic, I was thinking today how brill it is to have lost weight and yesterday my trousers were SO loose it was like wearing a sack, but at the same time my stomach was rolling and I just filled it with bread (while I wasn't looking, -you know what I mean). I will not give up, no siree, but today I snapped. Thanks for your thoughts, aren't family a nightmare sometimes!!
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Hope you are back on track today - lots of water to help you out! X
Yes Kat1e being good :) Lost a bit, but havent got round to updating my ticker. Been busy. Life has quietened because I have backed off, though I am worried, I must say. But 'Que sea sera, as' Doris sang when I was a kid. Still not under 200lbs, -yet but soon, I am sure :D Yes, must drink. Now the weather is cooled, I am not thinking of drinking *duh*
ANNOUNCEMENT:sign0151: TODAY I HIT THE "ONESIES", I now weigh 199.8lbs :greenapple: YAY, it seems sort of apt for the 01.10, sort of, LOL!!! Knowing the way my body works, it will go up again tomorrow, but for now, I am a very happy bunny. :thankyou:
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Yay! Well done! Xx
Good on you Lynne - those big crossovers make the most difference, don't they? :)