Friendly Recluse :)
Thanks Jelliebabe, Waterworks, Lady Felsham, I pinged back into the twosies then back into the onesies. It's the way it goes with me, as long as the weight is generally heading in the right direction, I am happy. I am wearing a very old pair of jeans today, they look pretty good because my legs are slimmer but please dont imagine they are slim. They aren't. But they look a heck of a lot better than when I wore them last winter. When I am in UK I will have to buy more, which is tricky as I need trousers but will have to buy them a bit on the tight side and then slim into them. That'd be an incentive
I do know though that my trip to UK will put me squarely back into the twosies. I have an app that charts my weight. My lowest weight marked by a celebratory yellow dot. I will have that to aim for upon my return in November. BTW, today it is colder here than in Manchester, Bristol Cambridge, Ipswich. But at least its sunny