Précis for the time MM's was dormant....
Decided to use app on phone to encourage me to walk, developed a blister that got infected, so just as my stats were improving I had to stop.
Summer was late coming and late going and HOT so I didn't do any proper walking but I did a lot of swimming which was recommended anyway because (would you believe it), I gave myself torn meniscus and bakers cyst by jumping up out of a chair too fast and it went POP (duh).
I have been eating less and less meat, partly due to watching (part of) a horrible video on the welfare of animals in the meat industry (welfare being utterly the wrong word), and partly because for many years I have found that I often don't enjoy eating it (some of it). I would really prefer it if animals were kept in better conditions and treated more humanely. I know its a complicated subject and the more I consider all the ramifications, the more I wish I could just shut it out and simply eat without conscience. I haven't turned veggie, but I am having more fish. As I say, 'complicated'.
So, here I am with all my Kindle diet books, some free and some paid for, I am hoping I have found one book that fits my views on eating and will help me lose weight. It looks good and I am currently reading through it.
In September it was our Eldest's 40th. He is the one that got married here last year. I went to the UK to join in the birthday celebrations and caught a cold which has left me with a cough that lasted till mid November and I have earache to this day. I have been to the doctor and tried his meds, now I am trying Homoeopathy and if that doesn't work, I will be off to the hospital (you can do that here). My weight has been up and down like a yo-yo, and currently it is up and I am not dieting. I have lost the plot and I think feeling low for weeks hasn't helped any resolve I need to have.
Oh and BTW, HUUGE news, my son and his wife are expecting a baby in April!!!!!! This is MASSIVE because he has wanted to be a Dad for over a decade, awwwwwwww
A couple of weeks ago I joined a gentle keep fit class, its good fun and the people are lovely. I hurt my back this week (bending down to read a label while shopping), but its healing fast, so I hope to rejoin them next Monday. It's twice a week. Overall it seems like this year I have been sort of falling apart and I am hoping I can resume the walking, the keep fit and the dieting with commitment and soon enjoy the benefits because I feel my bad health is
my fault.