Oh Busy, please don't run away with the idea I can speak it well. I sometimes surprise myself, but basically it is pretty dodgy. I don't mind trying and making a fool of myself. What I find very frustrating is 1. the fact that some here correct me, and THEY are the ones who are wrong. 2. the sheer number of times people fail to understand me. These tend to be the villagers, and (to be fair) they seem to have their own dialect. So I practice where I can.
We always planned to move abroad when we retired. But life was getting on top of us, we had had my father living with us for 10 years, he had COPD and increasing dementia. It was hard. Our jobs were getting us down too and I was worrying it would kill my husband. But life changes, sometimes rather suddenly. Sadly Dad died after his health rapidly deteriorated and the second of our sons bought a house. Our youngest panicked (lol) and said he refused to be the only son living at home, BAM we were alone

Biggish house and jobs we hated. We grasped the chance and moved here. I am so glad we did it. Who knows what the future holds. The day after we moved out of our house, we had the sad news that our friend had died of cancer, one week before his 60th birthday. He had his retirement ahead of him, he wouldn't have been short of cash, he didn't live to enjoy it. We treasure each day.