Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Morning Lynne sorry to hear you are still a little down. I read up on St. John's wort for you since I had a brief fling with them just after I'd had my son. I remember them helping with my feelings a little and I remembered something about the sun and them so found this of you you to read, plus I think it blocks iron absorption.

hope you start feeling more chirpy soon :)
Lauren I really appreciate you taking the trouble to find this info for me. You are very thoughtful. I will bear all the warning's in mind though only one applies to me, and that's the sun. I dont go out in it much at this time of year, but it can still get me when I am walking, eh! It will be here in about 3 weeks. But I hope I dont need it :p Good to have it on standby though :)
Agreed, at the time I used to sunned and stopped whilst on them. Just take it easy and all will be well :)
Excellent advice Lauren - and I think the warnings are always good to keep in mind, but they seem to apply to people taking loads of the stuff over a long period, so I reckon you'll be fine, Lynne xx
I'm a nightmare for forgetting to take pills, so its unlikely I will be on them long term. Just for 'those' times :(
Lol Lynne I'm exactly the same which has probably a good thing since years ago I got in to taking slimmer tablets, not sure which ones but I'm against taking things like that but was desperate.....luckily I'm lazy and gave up or forgot to take them :)

how are you today?
Oh friends I have to tell you all this. Tonight I went out for a meal. When leaving the restaurant, I went over to some friends and one of them erupted with "Wow have you had a make over" "Your Hair looks lovely" She also said something that I cant quite remember about my shape. I just thanked her and laughed it of as if I didn't know what she was talking about. But boy did I swaggger out of there.

ALSO, dear friends :p I tried an old chain that has been too tight to wear. It now fits as a loose choker and I have a cubic zirconium drop hanging on it. It confirms my neck has indeed got smaller.

I am walking on air.
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Oh Lynne, this post is a dream to read :) I am so happy to hear this, I bet you will feel amazing and you deserve to walk on air, losing weight and changing yourself is hard but you clearly have this in the bag :) hope you have a great day.
Well done you, you must be delighted, it is great when someone else notices a change.
I hope I never forget the look on her face. She seemed incredulous. Actually, last night we were out with some other friends and she was saying how different I am to this time last year. Maybe she has also noticed the loss. Its 20lbs now :)
I hope I never forget the look on her face. She seemed incredulous. Actually, last night we were out with some other friends and she was saying how different I am to this time last year. Maybe she has also noticed the loss. Its 20lbs now :)

Congrats!! Amazing! So good reading about the positive effects of weight loss. I've only lost 10lbs down to 9 stone 2lb and even though it's not much, people have noticed and it feels great. With exercising daily my body shape has changed too and I've never felt better.
Well done you!!x
20lbs you go girl!!!! Have you managed to go to the park yet Lynne? If not get loads of coconut oil down you, I've been doing this now and again and notice t works almost as soon as I've finished the cup of coffee with it in. Hope you are well?