M-Mouse's Droppings

hee hee its fun isnt it?

NO it's torment it's torture......but it has taken my mind off the munchies - so job well done - thanks.
we should have a thread...guess whats my daily menu lol
oh yeah.
think you wanting chocolate or at least im hoping thats what the brown was ;)
If you pinch some of Vicky's low fat cocoa powder, the pack she's going to put on Ebay with a reserve of £100, you could make some chocolate chips... just a teaspoon worth per day!

Morphine? Cripes...
Hi everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. I had a nice quiet one and am now posting this because kitty is asleep on my lap so I can't move; what a good dieting tool:D

Went out for lunch today and just had a chargrilled steak and the kids ate the chips. Did a little shopping, although one shop I went in seemed to be full of odd knitted garments - like skirts - the sort of thing my Mum might have knitted 40 years ago:D

Had a nice walk late afternoon, despite the disappointing weather and also picked some apples and took them to my Mum. WI tomrrow - so fingers crossed.
glad your weekend has gone well fingers crossed for you
Good luck for WI!
Thanks everyone -1 lbs - 'better than a smack in the belly with a wet fish' as my Nan would have said:D

Having a few transit issues (was that Sarah's polite phrase?):cry:
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hey its a loss well done xx
Thanks - I just feel a bit cheated because I don't cheat at all and then is lose one measly pound - which although in the right direction, is a bit disappointing.
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dont worry i seem to have a good week and lose less than if i have a bad one so annoying at times still im going to persevere
hey mouse well done it will be ur transit ,ermmmmmm wot makes me go mmmmmmmmmm orange juice and im offff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rhubarb and wheatbran.... swear by it :) and yeah it most probably me talking transit issues lol....

ensure you're drinking enough.... if you're having transit issues = you've probably lost more than is showing on the scales :)....trust me...

what pattern are you following? are you naughty like me on the weekends?
senokot! or dulcolax my love xxx
and 1lb loss is fab!!!!