M-Mouse's Droppings

hope it went ok hun xxxx
good. Hope you are back fighting fit soon hon x
Wishing you a speedy recovery! 'Boob jobs' (or any kind) are not exactly comfortable operations to recover from, are they? Hope you get a restful weekend.
My left boob looks as big as my head with all the dressings on it:D:D
spat coffee all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spat coffee all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooops I do seem to have a bit of a habit of making you do that:eek: Still on the positive side, have ascertained that I do still have a left nipple - felt it through the dressing:D
might just be a scab :D hee hee yak.
get the noodles online. ive had a packet for yonks havent tried them, they look wrong but everyone says they ate yum x
I won't ask to see a photo for once, but take care over the weekend!
I won't ask to see a photo for once, but take care over the weekend!

LOL it is frustrating that I can't see what sort of job he did yet - don't even know how much he removed.

On the bright side, lying in bed accompanied by little Mungbean - how lovely!

Have a good weekend Jo.
might just be a scab :D hee hee yak.
get the noodles online. ive had a packet for yonks havent tried them, they look wrong but everyone says they ate yum x
just remember to not take a sniff till youve washed them well as it horrid once you rince well then boil for 5 mins they are great simmered in soup or stirfrys they are fab (even fooled the other half ) the japenese cook shop online is great , watch the dates though ive just lost 3 packs as they have gone out of date
I made some nice pumpkin things tonight - came out a bit like potato croquettes:

approx 200g cooked pumpkin (mashed), 2 tbspns oatbran, 2 or 2 tbspns cottage cheese. All baked in muffin cases. Delicious.
sounds yummy
Hello everyone. Having another restful day recovering - think I may take another day off and go back to work Tuesday. The scales are looking good for tomorrow - too good really, but maybe some of it is due to the STS last week. Either that or they were some heavy old milk ducts I had removed!

It's funny but I have never been on another diet where I am not really hungry. Yes I have my moments where I crave certain things, but I never feel hungry and quite often have to make myself eat something. Today for example I have been snacking on some salmon quiche type things I made for breakfast but couldn't manage! I have some chicken which I will have later though and perhaps some yoghurt.

I am going to make a cottage pie for dinner with a pumpkin/cauliflower topping for the clan tonight and will make a little one for me to have tomorrow on my PV day.

DD is making cakes at the moment, but don't think I can face going downstairs to look at the carnage that will be my kitchen. HD is watching football and judging by the noise, I think his team have just scored.

Back is still hurting a lot but I have worked out a painkiller combination that seems to work - but involves a conbination of 10 tablets at once! Leaves me feeling a bit stoned but does the job.

The weather is nice and bright today, but not sure how cold it really is as I haven't ventured outside. Just lying here on the bed with my kitty; on the lookout for a new kitty friend for him now as I think he needs a playmate.

Well that's all from me for now - hope you have all had a good weekend.
ouch hope your back gets better !!! i get siatica (sp) and i get sopadol from the drs that really knocks me for 6 as well .....
I understand about the not feeling hungry iI get like that and have to force myself