morning mouse hope your ok
Hi there, I'm fine thanks - full to the brim of pupmkin cake
morning mouse hope your ok
Afternoon Manda!x
hey mouse glad ur ok ,its a shame about ur other cat ,so how's mungbean doing and also nice to hear u like the pumpkin cake !!!!!!
ive just had a mushroom foo yung from the chinese ,im not if it's allowed but i enjoyed it !!!!
awwwwww little mungbean !!!!!!
- and a good afternoon to you too! Are you feeling any happier in yourself today? Yes thanks -2lb this weekI have taken pictures of my Sarah-inspired pumpin cake, which I will post at some point this weekend. It was truly scrumptious so I will call it Sarah's Truly Scrumptious Pumkin Cake, after its inspiration.
awwhope it was as tasty as it sounds
I have just found a site that does some different flavourings - I fancy tryng the chocolate and the coconut.
Flavouring Essences 28ML | Page 4 | Preema International Ltd
Some of the flavours do seem a little ridiculous though!!
Morning Manda
I slept rubbish too - but there's nothing odd in that....then after I'd got to sleep DD woke me up saying "it's time to get up Mum - it's hallowe'en"
I wouldn't worry about WI's STS Manda... I've gained 1lb since Friday (pv's Friday/Sat/Sun).... pp will sort it all out...have noticed I never drink enough during a pv....have you been drinking enough?