M-Mouse's Droppings

Loads better thanks but still a bit of a sore belly - a sore fat belly, and luckily only two fat legs :) Feeling fairly lucid at the moment - must be time for some more painkillers :)
Gosh that sounds horrid Mouse. Poor you!
:( bug hugs babe. you back in the office tomorrow?
What did you do mousy?? Was it the jam....LOL
Hope you feel better soon chicken xxxxxxxxxxx

Oh I just get really excruciating gut pains and the docs don't know why. I'm fine now thanks - I have new powerful painkillers and I haven't ended up in A&E once since I've had them!!

It probably was the jam:D

How is tomorrow going over in Aus?
Poor you:(. Hope you're better today.
Sounds horrid. Hope you do feel better.