Time to start again!
Well that's Monday at work out of the way! Only 4 more days til a day off! Hope you have had a lovely one sweets. Thought I would have a quiet one this evening, my sister is now at my eldest daughters pad for the week and was totally looking forward to having dinner curling up on the sofa after a shower and watching shameless with my youngest ( hubby finds all the antics way to much for his prudish mind) however hubby invited his bro'mance over for the evening to play pc games ..... Youngest has been asleep since being in from work. No rest for the wicked so they say! Sending mucho love your way xxx
Ooo... Enjoy your night chilling on the sofa ... I am watching a Bones marathon... Been naughty today and eat a whole pack of Oreos myself... Enjoy Shameless...xx