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Kev is ok he is retired now... He took early retirement in order to give us a duel income and a lump sum to get us back on our feet... We looked at a house today so it is fingers crossed they accept it as it is near my new store... We are looking at one in Kirkby tomorrow as well but I would sooner be nearer to work if possible which means I could walk to work... Good body magic and saves cash... I don't put too much on Facebook about where we are because Voldemorte (Bro's ex) can find stuff out as we have mutual friends and the least she knows the better... Which is why I never mention him on there at all... As far as she can discover we are in Nottingham, some where... That's another reason I am pleased to be Burton free, I no longer have to worry about running into her anymore... I got rid of Dean on my twofaced book this last week too so that's all the false friends gone now... I have far better friends like you now... I can't count the times he has made me cry in the last two years... Time to get rid of people like that I think... Will keep you up to date on here about the house... Sleep tight angel...xx
Wow! Lots of catching up there, I truly do believe relationships and friendships are for a reason and even if they are not the people you thought they were etc. guaranteed you would have taken something away from the friendship/relationship that makes you a stronger or even a better person. No-one has the right to any second in your life that makes you sad, unhappy or cry actually any of these three things in any combination.
Fingers, toes and everything crossed my darling gothy on the home front.
I wanna do a happy home dance..... I can feel it coming
Have a fab day chick xxx