Hi, yeah, feeling ok today, but a bit lethargic following bad head yesterday. Thanks for the kind thoughts!
pterostilbene is a version of resveratrol, which is recommended in the book I think. Some say it is a better version. As I forgot to take it today, I'm not in a position to report it's usefulness yet!
I've eaten tonnes today, a bit of a reaction to the headache as well I think. Quite looking forward to dd tomorrow.
no shred today, aiming to do it tomorrow, early on in the day before I'm too hungry!
school Christmas play tomorrow....my little'un is Mary! It's one of those inclusive jobs where everyone in key stage one is involved somehow....loads of sheep, shepherds, angels etc, performing lots of songs. Mary has one line, she's been practising it for weeks!
Christmas is coming too fast, I'm so disorganised this year. Getting a bit stressed about it!