Full Member
Lots of coffee Rose, lots and lots of it! I'm fine during the day after an early start, it'll be from about 6.00pm tonight I'll start flagging.......... :zz:
Was all good this morning
Hard work at the time, but the feeling afterwards....... can't beat it! My triceps are throbbing though, every time I move my arms, but I'm happy with that, means it's working!
Have been to the hairdressers this morning too, which was a lovely treat. Hadn't been since November
so hair was quite desperate. It's looking much better now <swishes head from side to side> 
I'll give the boys a wave for you on Thursday! Any one of them in particular? <hums We've Got a Little World Of Our Own> Must enquire today where we're seated...... hope it's not miles away from the stage!
Was all good this morning
Have been to the hairdressers this morning too, which was a lovely treat. Hadn't been since November
I'll give the boys a wave for you on Thursday! Any one of them in particular? <hums We've Got a Little World Of Our Own> Must enquire today where we're seated...... hope it's not miles away from the stage!