Mad Ramblings of a Yo-Yo Dieter......

Good morning :)

Rose, yes I think I've realised that - I don't really need the spinning class, I'm doing okay on the exercise front myself at home (with the help of Jillian ;)) so I'll stick with that for now.

Gem - that sounds painful! I've seen those kettle bells on the Biggest Loser and in Tesco, they are seriously HEAVY! Good for you! :D

Off for my date with Jillian and No More Touble Zones now! Hope everyone has a great day :)
HI Maisie
what a horrible way to feel about the on coming exercsie. i totaly agree it has to be fun.

Its odd as you did brilliant and so excited after.

If in the future you concider it again, I would go with Roses idea, get a 1 to 1 session to boost your confidence back.

I must hunt down something else soon, i ride and skip but i need more areas to be hit now at 10 wks.

If my lad has any paypal cash i think Gillian ( if Maise doesnt mind sharing her :rolleyes::D ) and The biggest loser USA will have another new home:D

Good Luck today, lets go Girls:):):)
Have a great day maisie :)

Hope you've got through the exercise routine today and are now suitably smug with yourself are doing so well :)

I've been on the bike this morning, now going to face the outside world and the sun with my little boy. Beach, here we come :eek:

Good morning all :)

It's looking like it's going to be another gorgeous day here today....... I could definitely get used to this weather, it really lifts my mood :D

I did my DVD yesterday and in about half an hour, when I've woke up a bit, I'll be off to do it again this morning :)

LFM - did you treat yourself? ;)

Rose, I am beyond jealous of you living by a beach when we're being treated to glorious weather like this! How's it going with the bike? Are you loving it?
Morning Maisie:):)
Beautifull day here! too and indeed what a mood lifter.

You did a hour in a half. OMG Wonder woman watch your back :D:D

Didnt treat myself bit of a dilema here, my lad and partner work hard but awfull wages:(.

Everyone in britain had a big shock this week. The governments sneaky move stop working tax credit.
Didnt even get a letter.
Rang to see where it was and got told no more. Thats £350 gone:eek: not a reduction... nothing. If they had warned them a month ago they could of juggled but no warning and thats some peoples rents.
So its all pull together as they have just moved 3 months and im not having GD moving again its just not fair:(.
Although alot of people will be losing thier homes now.

So no paypal monies at the mo and i dont do plastic.

Will get someone to do me a copy:rolleyes:

Off to a car bootsale today, its one of the biggest and its a lovely way to walk for an hour and not know it and im Riding over.

Hope you have a lovely day today, to match this lovely weather.

Catch you later. XX
woohoo on the exercise front....go maisie :)

been on my bike, just for 30 mins this morning, well I am going out soon to walk around the country park AND the beach (I know we are very very very lucky to live near the beach, I never take it for granted as I am originally city born and bred and this is my whole new life!!! :))

Even going to fit in a game of crazy golf with our little boy, busy day!

You are right, the weather does affect our mood maisie :)

tick tock until weigh in :eek:

Have a great one and enjoy this weather!!! :D

Heya Maisie! GLad to see that you're doing well!
Sounds like a good move cancelling the spinning class, nothing is worth getting that worked up over!!
Hope that you have a good day!
Good morning all <waves>,

Sorry for silence the last couple of days...... my lovely best friend (the pregnant one I was swimming with) had her baby on Saturday (her due date!), a beautiful little boy weighing in at 7lb 11oz :D I'm off to see them this morning and I can not wait! Just love, LOVE tiny, teeny little babies (when they're someone else's of course ;))..... so yesterday was spent making blue iced cupcakes to welcome the new arrival........ I admit to eating one :eek: (quality control purposes you understand, had to ensure they were okay...... <cough>) which was pretty good of me considering....... I do make a fabulous cupcake if I do say so myself and it took great restraint to only eat one!

Rose - hope you had a glorious weekend and are having a fab trip away :)

LFM - that is SO shocking about the tax credits :eek: Have they called the tax credit helpline? They can't just leave people like that surely? Awful, awful, awful :( I honestly don't know what to say...... I hope they manage to sort something out xx

Pink - where you been girl?!! You've been missed :D Lovely to 'see' you back flower :)

Weigh day today and I've lost 2lb :D Am actually over the moon! It seems to have been so long since I lost anything other than 1lb I was thinking my scales could only move 1lb at a time :rolleyes: I actually squealed when I saw it and clapped my hands like some sort of demented seal (the cat was not impressed and shot off in terror) :D
HI Masie
Wonderfull news about the 2lb and the baby! Welldone mate so chuffed for you!

Not so good news about the cup cake, but hey, I would confess to this wks slip ups but i dont have enough room to write them ( i actually mean that :eek:)

We all deserve a break in this long journey with a change of scenari(spelling)
Quality control i like that one :Dlol.

Ive had a lovely surprse to i am at my goal wieght phew never thought i would get there!

The tax credits problem is country wide, ive never ever seen teh system so cock eyed as it has been the last 15 years.

My son had 3 jobs at 15 and only once unemployed in redundancey at 26 when his daughter was 2 months old. He found work again but how often can people go through these financial wacks.

Rents here are £725with no chance for future ownership and the government do this to people who are trying so hard.
Where is the insentive:(.

Anyway today is a good positive one about things that i can change (we ) can change an im goingto wallow in it all day lol

Hope to ctahc you later. xx
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Brilliant loss Maisie, well done! Had to laugh at the clapping of hands...I always cross my fingers when I get on! Lol

Keep up the good work!

Gem x
OMG!! its taken me all evening (off and on) to read all of these posts, but I have been totally hooked! Maisie i love how you write! i have seriously lol several times while reading all of these posts! what a lovely support network you have all created! well done all of you! i have only just joined, have been 'slimming' for 4 weeks today and have so far lost 13lb!! maisie u have really inspired me to give exercise a real go!! (although i think i will start with the wii fit for now... you tubed jillian... omg!! scary!! hehe) maybe once i get into it good and proper i will try the shredding! keep up the good work she ra! lol xxx
Good morning all :)

LFM - well done on your loss and getting to your first goal :D So pleased for you!
I absolutely agree with you about the whole tax credits system, it's been a mess since day 1 and will no doubt continue to be so........ so frustrating when you're caught up in it :(

Gem - thank you for your support, it means a lot :)

terioke - hello and welcome to my diary! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your kind words of encouragement :D Well done on your loss so far, 13lb in 4 weeks is fantastic! My losses have been really slow this time, which I'm sure is down to all the exercise, but my body is changing and firming up SO much it really does make me realise that those numbers on the scales are NOT everything........ Good luck for the rest of your journey, do you have much to lose? :)

Had the most lovely day yesterday getting lots of cuddles off my friend's adorable 2 day old baby boy........ but I have to confess :eek: my food intake was really all over the place yesterday <ahem>. Here's what I had:

Bacon sandwich at friend's house (grilled bacon = good. On white bread with butter though = bad!)
1 cupcake :eek:
1 glass of champagne <cough> to welcome baby Charlie into the world.

Came home giggling quietly to myself as the champagne went RIGHT to my head and was then peckish at about 2.00pm so had:

Bag of velvet crunch crisps
Packet of breakfast biscuits


Tried to pick it back up then and drank 2 litres of water and had an omlette and fat free 'chips' for my dinner......... then was hit by the chocolate monster and had a creme egg :cry:

Oh deary me. Safe to say, definitely not one of my best food days <understatement alert> but today is a new day and it's 6 days until weigh in so hopefully I can undo any damage and get back on track!
woohooo fantastic loss Maisie :) There is no stopping you now girl! I also loved the image of you clapping, remember last week, I heard myself saying yes, yes, yes ;) the scales stopped on the 3lb loss! realise I am 'talking' to a set of bathroom scales :rolleyes:
oooh congrats to your friend and new baby, how lovely. and on her due date..very impressive! :)
don't worry about wee treats, you WERE celebrating :D
Hope you have a lovely day, enjoy!

thank you for the kind welcome! :) don't worry about yesterday, as rose says, you were celebrating!! my brothers girlfriend had their baby boy last week, i cannot get enough off him!! love him sooooo much already!!
rose, i know what you mean about talking to the scales.. i done the same this morning, after explaining to my daughter how you should weigh yourself at the same time of the day each week, wearing similar if not same clothes etc,, and using the same set of scales (i weigh in at a friends and use her scales) i decided to show her the difference by stepping on our ones at home, and found myself telling my scales that i loved them so much more as they showed almost a stone in difference!! IF ONLY!!! LOL!!
yes maisie, got a whole lot to lose, but to be honest i haven't set a goal as such as I don't have an ideal weight/size in mind! just really want to be healthier and more active! and of course it would be nice to be able to walk into regular shops and by normal clothes, instead of going to millets to buy a tent! lol only kidding! i am really aiming for a whole lifestyle change as i know that just dieting will only work for sometime. more than anything i am doin it for my daughter, at 9 years old she is overweight too :( poor thing didnt have much chance with both mine and her fathers genetics, she is pretty active and i have always cooked healthy meals, but i am hoping that if i can change my lifestyle and improve hers then she will not go through a lifetime of being 'big and pretending to be ok about it' before making the necessary changes! obviously i am trying to promote the healthy lifestyle aspect rather than the dieting because i don't want her to put unecessary pressure on herself at such a young age! i do constantly worry if i am doing the right thing!! :/
hello terioke, nice to meet you :)

If I can just hijack my friend maisie's thread for a wee minute ;) and say how impressive you are to be changing your lifestyle and benefiting your little girl too. there is so much pressure out there these days to be supermodel material..wrong wrong wrong, so just make little changes with your lovely wee girl, and make exercise fun????!!!! :eek: for both of you, well done for wanting the best for you and your family. Your daughter could just have puppy fat, and any excess will fall off as she gets older and more active, so don't worry about it or feel pressure from anything or anyone, just do what you think is right and when it is right. She will grow up learning from your new lifestyle and eating habits and any changes you make along the way. Good luck with everything you decide to do!
I have loads to lose, but this time I am going to do it... (in a pantomime style....oh yes, I am!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) )
You should think about starting a diary on here, I found it really helps me and I love to chat with everyone. I look forward to chatting with you, keep posting...we are all in the same boat, with the same finishing line to reach :)

(Thanks Maisie ;)...hope you are enjoying your you are away cooing over the new baby again, lucky you!)

..tip toes back out maisie's thread, before she gives me a telling off :D
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Rose, I could never tell you off! You hi-jack away! :D

No baby cuddling today alas...... will be going back to see them tomorrow though, my 2 are desperate to meet him too so we're all descending on my poor friend tomorrow ;) Have been attending to essential maintenance today (read: getting my nails done) :p

Terioke, try not to worry too much about your little girl. As Rose has said, it's more than likely a little puppy fat which will melt away as she grows :) The changes you're making now can only be of benefit to her though so good for you :D The pressures on young girls today can be horrific I know...... I have a 15 year old girl myself with not an ounce of fat on her (she must get that from her dad, she certainly doesn't get it from me!) and I try to be very careful about what I say and do around her in regards to "diet talk".
ahh thank you both so much!! its so good to be able to talk freely about everything! you both give so much good advice! missed your callings me thinks!! :D
Evening Maisie
Blips dont count anymore;) they have been banished to the " your not so speacial" corner:D

It seems we have all blipped a bit till Tuesday. MAin thing is we are all back on track.

GL Tomorrow. :)