Mad Ramblings of a Yo-Yo Dieter......


Morning all :D

Shred (day 14, day 2 of level 2) done at 0530 this morning :D Honestly, for those of you that think I'm utterly bonkers to get up at that time...... I'm telling you, you can not beat that feeling of when your work-out is done and you know you've done it for another day.

Today's menu will be:-

B - breakfast biscuits
L - homemade soup, granary roll, velvet crunch crisps, apple and a few strawberries.
D - baked potato with sweet chilli beans and a very small amount of grated cheese. WW sundae.

2-3 ltr sugar free squash
3 x coffee
1 x latte
1 x can of diet cherry coke

Have a great day everyone :)

Maisie xxx
It's true
you are crazy doing it at 5:30!
I'm starting today...level 1, I'm a little scared but looking forward to it sooo much!
Still so impressed with your dedication to exercise Maisie and your 5.30 start :eek: It must feel so good as you say, knowing you have exercised for the day so can afford to have a bit of an easier day. WELL DONE :)

(...and Monkeypants too, you pair are putting me to shame! hope it goes well for you today...enjoy :))

Oooh Maisie, does your chicken do that too? Try to make you eat the skin! ;) it was my fave part before I had to control my eating habits (sob!) BUT it explains what part it played in the size I am today, so no more!!!!!

I too was teary-eyed at the final, what inspiration those women and men are, and I just love the transformations. I am looking forward to becoming more confident just like they did, its a lifestyle change and all makes so much sense.

Laughed at your report of hubby preparing dinner, he does deserve a big pat on the back though! :D

After a quick tidy up, I'm going out for another walk :eek: feeling tired and a bit sore (see my diary) but I want to do it and I'm going to do it!

Have a successful and happy day Maisie :)
Good luck monkeypants, hope you enjoy it :)

I've been researching Gym memberships prices this morning........ :eek: <gulp> think I'll have to stick with my DVD and the odd swimming session for now :rolleyes:

I'm definitely a morning person, that's why it's so much better for me to workout first thing. A friend of mine does hers in the evening before bed but I just couldn't be bothered with that..... evenings to me are sitting in front of the box scoffing a WW pudding ;)

Enjoy your walk Rose, good for you for going when you're not totally in the mood, that's dedication :D
Good afternoon fat fighters ;)

Not quite so bonkers this morning, did the Shred at 9.00am (Saturday lie-in, yay!) and have been cleaning every since. Arms and shoulders are absolutely killing now though (especially the right shoulder, I have a torn tendon there and am waiting on a date for physio to start). Have took some painkillers so should be okay soon :)

Still desperate to join the gym and have been depressing myself just now by checking out the website of my nearest one :rolleyes: They're doing a special deal at the moment though, a six week membership for £70.00....... have sent the link to H in a email with the subject "Mothers Day is approaching......" Not exactly subtle I know but if you don't ask you don't get lol! :D

Today's menu:-

B - breakfast biscuits
L - 8 tuc crackers with dairylea light, wafter thin chicken, red onion and tomato. Velvet crunch crisps and a banana.
D - fat free 'chips' and a large ham salad. WW sundae.

3 x coffee
2 x latte (it's the weekend!)
2-3 ltr sugar free squash
1 x diet cherry coke.

I have my brother and nephew coming for lunch in an hour...... bacon & egg butties all 'round for them <gulp> Hope I can resist! Also got them in some muffins...... after the Starbucks fiasco the other day though I'm not even remotely tempted to have one! :p

M x :D
hello Maisie

loving the subtle approach to a mother's day gift, hope you get it! Fingers crossed :)

Be strong around those bacon and egg butties, I had to summon all my willpower this morning in a similiar situation :rolleyes: the tastebuds were dancing, but no no no! :nono:

Not walking today, might have a quick 5 second sit on my bike :eek: Please Lord, allow me to be closer to getting on the darn thing properly by an encouraging weigh in on monday!

Have a good day, going to give the bathroom and kitchen a thorough clean and tidy, then watch a dvd with my little boy and hubby, ( well I'm not actually 100% today *she said feeling sorry for herself* :8855:)

Enjoy your weekend Maisie, stay strong :)
Hey Rose :)

I did NOT give in to the lure of bacon and eggs :D Feeling quite proud!

Fingers crossed for a good weigh in on Monday for you...... every pound will get you closer to that bike :)

Speaking of bikes, I've just found out about a spinning class on Wednesday mornings at a Gym near my son's school and the best thing is, it's a pay as you go type place, so can just pay per session :D My brother does spinning and he really rates it, has warned me I will sweat like an absolute beast though, which is nice! Can't go this Wednesday as my son has a class mass for Ash Wednesday but will be starting the week after. Saddo that I am, I can't wait!

Didn't quite manage my planned lunch today as my visitors didn't leave until nearly 2.00 and I couldn't be bothered then faffing about so had my crisps, 2 bananas, an activia yogurt and a low-fat fruit bar thing!
No lie-in for me this morning, was wide awake at 6.00am...... what's that all about on a bloody Sunday? :confused: Will make the most of it though and am off to do the Shred as soon as I've posted this, get it out of the way for another day!

Was incredibly tempted to pop onto the scales this morning for a cheeky look but I managed to resist. I figured if I do and it's good and then is not as good tomorrow it'll put me in a stinking mood. This is the first week I've managed to go ALL week without taking a sneaky peep at the scales at any point :D I'd like to say I'm optimistic about tomorrow's weigh-in, but I've read so many posts from others that have had their weight loss slow right down when they're exercising...... so I just don't know. Will just have to wait and see I suppose :)

Today's menu:

B - breakfast biscuits
L - tuc crackers with dairylea light, wafer thin chicken, tomato and red onion. Velvet crunch crisps, few strawberries.
D - homemade soup, granary roll, banana and a WW sundae.

3/4 x coffee
1 x latte
2/3 ltr sugar free squash
1 x diet cherry coke

Right...... to the DVD player I go ;)
Hello Maisie

firstly well done for not giving in to temptation :D :0clapper: shows strong willpower and commitment :)

Your body clock will have adjusted to your 5.30am rise during the week, so you woke up super early today. I am the same, I try to have a weekend lie in, but my eyes pop open around 7-7.30 every morning :(

You have every right to be optimistic over tomorrow's weigh in, you have had a great week and the scales wil prove that tomorrow and reward you :)
I totally relate to you thinking if you had a sneaky weigh in today and then another tomorrow, a dodgy result tomorrow would affect your mood, I would feel exactly the same. Weight loss does affect my mood and self belief, I hate that disappointed feeling and I now know that in the past when I've fallen off track it was because of a negative result on the scales, BUT if it happens to me this time along the way, I'll focus on the following weeks result instead of throwing in the towel...its all mind over matter in my case!!!! :) This time it just feels different and I definately do not want to start all over AGAIN :eek:

Biggest loser (repeat) is on tv in the background, I'm watching again for added inspiration ;) Many of the contestants started off lighter than me :eek: but I keep looking at all the transformations and think....'one day!' :)

Have a great day, your meal choices today sound lovely :)

Keep away from the scales :nono: (until tomorrow!)

Good luck for your weigh in :) :) :)
That's exactly it Rose...... say for example the scales showed a 2lb loss today and tomorrow only showed 1lb then I'd be gutted and I couldn't guarantee not to run head first into the Cupboard of Crap (as the goodies cupboard is known as in our house!). But if I just weigh tomorrow and it's a 1lb loss then while I admit I'd probably be a tiny bit disappointed I'd still think "a loss is a loss, maybe next week will be more" etc etc :)

More temptation this morning :eek: have just made the kids some banana muffins and they smelt sooooo good :cry:I ran out of muffin cases though so a few of them were fairy cake sized so I just had half of one of those ones because otherwise they'd have taunted me all day ;) I figure one half of a fairy cake sized muffin will not hurt in the long run!

Right, off to help son with his homework now (will reward him with a muffin!). Have a great day Rose :) xx
Hi Maisie!!
I found your thread, i had looked yeaterday. Now im subscribed.

Ive been giggling away at you with your shredding comments. It sounds like your on prison detail lol.

Well done on the chicken skin, its my favorite too!. I like to buy legs and oven cook with an oxo rubbedinto the skin it crisps up and OMG i just cant resist! so i havent brought any since this started, It means though i have to buy the rubbish precooked packets, very stringy and chemicaly enhanced bird:eek:

Good idea with the gym membership, is £70 cheap for 6 weeks? do you have to have it a certain time, our local did do cheaper offers if used between 9 to 5.

I payed for 12 months once and went 4 times:rolleyes:. It was when i started to get ill too but i did find it quiet boring.

I was in my garden last summer and a local man went by on his bike. We started chatting and hed lost 13Stone!:eek:.
All on his bike, he said it was awkward using it at first, but it paid off. He was agreat inspiration for me to get back on mine and the fcat that its free;).

Is the USA biggest loser a new episode, i love it but only have freeview is it on there?

Claire looked so different on the uK one, and an arobics instructor. I honestly thought she was going to win, i thought it from the first episode and i dont think she should have gone. Sating that thou she may not of achieved as much as she has while home, so may be it was the better outcome for her.

Sorry to hear about your swmming costume experience.
Sometimes when i have felt down about my size, imake myself try on my clothes now and my smaller ones. I do it until i see that although im not having a good day i have a curve were id didnt last month.

If you can find some clothes that show off any curves, it could help you. You dont have to have these to wear out. They can hold theraputic value.

As long as your not going in the wrong direction you will overcome ;).

Its been great reading your thread Maisie, GL for your Wiegh in tomorrow. Xx
Hi lookingforme <waves>

I think the £70.00 for 6 weeks is about average for gyms around here..... works out to about £45.00 a month which is more than I can afford right now :( However, I have found one that lets you "pay as you go" for classes, gym sessions etc. It's not as "posh" as the others but that really doesn't matter to me, I'm not there for the surroundings! So, I'm going to start Spinning classes from next Wednesday and I'm really looking forward to it :D

The US Biggest Loser is on a channel called LivingIT..... do you get that on Freeview? <fingers crossed for you>

WOW @ the chap you got speaking to on his bike :eek: That is an amazing loss, gives us all hope eh?

Aww, thank you, I got over myself and my little blip with the swimming costume...... a lot of my clothes are fitting a lot better in the last week or so and I know that's down to the exercise - after all, I've only lost 9lb so far and previously it's took me a good stone - stone and a half before I've felt any difference in my clothes. I noticed this morning too that my collarbones are making a welcome comeback as are my cheeckbones :D It's the little things that keep me going!

So, all in all I'm feeling much more positive at the moment and am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow <slightly nervous smile>

:) xx
Hey Maisie Is Spinning the riding a bike class with the back wheel up.

Im like you, surroundings and things make no odds, its what were there for that important and The so called swimming pool in the gym, was no bigger than a garden one in the summer lol.

Needless to say i never went in it.

I did wieght train years ago started at the gym and then had wieghts at home.
It was wicked while it lasted but not so much fun now when i look at the effects of stopping.

I saw my chin and collar bones a bit this weekend, its such a wonderful feeling!

Im praying the chicken neck, gives me a miss for a couple of years.

Im sure I dont get livingIT on freeview:(

Nov 2009 was the Ali ( 1st BL woman) series, so im not sure how long it takes to get played on freeview.

I could watch it everyday its awsome.

roll on tomorrow. xx
Yep, spinning is the mad exercise bike one! My brother told me to tell the instructor I'm new so hopefully he/she will let me start off gently and not do the bits I can't do....... like the bit where you take the saddle OFF so have to do it all standing up :eek:

Lol @ "chicken neck"...... plenty (I mean LOADS) of moisturiser should help with that I reckon. And those facial exercises where you shove your chin out as far as you can (like Jimmy Hill lol) - note: best doing when you're on your own ;)

Oh me too, I'm addicted to The Biggest Loser (bummer that freeview doesn't have that channel :(), I even looked to see if you could buy previous series on DVD or hire them from Lovefilm but you can't :(

Is Monday your weigh in day too? :)
Yeap Monday mornings
Its, you, Rose and Me.:D

I may look into this PAYG classes like your doing, its a bit of fun. ( very broke at the moment, painting and carpets etc)

Id love to have a go at Spinning! looks brilliant fun, i'm already off saddle up hills so I hope i'd be ok from the take off.

I think we are the same wieght and hieght, have you thought of a push bike? i started with the smallest of journeys around the block.;)

Was hoping to do zamba tomorrow but not well enough now. Next week is a definate. :)
Maisie! You've got to let me know how the spinning goes? I've always wanted to try but need to get my fitness up a bit more :). Very excited for you. Hows the shred going?

Good morning all :)

lookingforme - I'd thought about a push bike but I'm too scared at the thought of going on the roads :eek: think the ones in a gym would be the safer option for me at the moment!

Hey monkeypants :) Shredding is still going full steam ahead! About to do day 17 in a few minutes, still slightly shocked with myself that I've stuck with it!

Right, well here we are - Weigh Day - and I've lost 1lb. One lousy f***ing pound :( Am gutted, I really am. I know it's all coming off, it's in the right direction and all that....... blah blah blah..... but it seems so unfair, it's not much of a reward for all my hard work :confused: I've been reading about the effects of exercise and weight loss and the general opinion seems to be after a week or so the weight loss should go back to 'normal'...... well, I'm into my 3rd week of exercising now and 1lb? Really? :cry: I don't understand....... they do tonnes of exercise on the biggest loser and regularly pull out massive weight losses :confused:

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Am I eating too much? Not enough? I just feel really disheartened at the moment :sigh:

Oh well <picks self up> off for my morning date with Jillian :sigh:
Good morning Maisie :)

Hey a pound is a pound and it came off not on! :D

You are doing so well with your eating plan and your exercise, please don't get disheartened, you are committed to this and you always give good advice and support to others, especially me :)

A pound loss this week, may well mean 2lb next week ;)

Get focused now on next monday's result, you lost this week and this is what it is all about. Keep up the good work, you are doing all the right things at the right time and have came so far already :)

Keep going Maisie :)

Hi Maisie

A 1lb is a 1lb and im in the same boat:(, but is the right direction, if we lost 1 a week fora year we woul lose 52 of them, that a lot of wieght. So Please dont feel to down about it.

I see your point with the exercising an annoying it is that no wieght gone.

Have you stopped eating bread, bread is a nightmare for wieght. With it goes the marg/butter;).

Biggest loser is ok to watch and inspiration but id nevr set my life goals by it. It is as everything else on tv, a money spinner and commercialisum ( is that a word lol) we only see part of what happens and we only know whats happening by what they tell us.

That said its a briliant mood lifter and get ass in gear starting programme.

As long as you are exercising, you are getting fitter with cardio and that is priceless;)

ou will notice a difference in your cothes if you keep going and what about those collar bones! Dont forget the whle picture hun, the scales are just a part of it, which i often think gets far to higher % for there part in it all.

Keep on with it, you are bound to geta good all round result, how can you not :D. xx
Hi ladies,

Thank you both for your lovely words of encouragement, it really means a lot :)

LFM - you're right about The Biggest Loser..... it's just a programme and it's a bit daft of me to compare my losses to theirs. I'm not eating bread at all.... apart from 2/3 times a week when I have homemade soup for lunch and I have a granary or wholemeal roll with it with just the tiniest scraping of butter (and I do mean tiny, it's practically see-through!).

I was really down this morning and had a sausage and egg sandwich out at lunchtime :eek: (confession is good for the soul right?!) but I felt properly sick afterwards, think it was all the grease :rolleyes: Anyway, I gave myself a talking to after and stopped it right there before it became a 'binge'..... I've had nothing since, only water and will have nothing now until I have my dinner so hopefully won't have caused any damage :eek:

I was chatting with a friend today who successfully lost a lot of weight last year and she thinks I'm not eating enough :confused: She did it with Slimming World and she's going to lend me her books to have a look at...... I think I might well give 'my' way another week and if it's another poor result next week I might give the SW method a go.

Anyway, I'm trying to remain positive and think it's still 10lb off in 5 weeks which is better than the alternative...... 10lb on ;)