morning all,
sorry for the lack of posts , life is waaay to hektickwith teaching , learning and the salon , bit of a blur to be honest!!!
things going great though , im really taking to the vegan lifestyle, i havent missed the dairy , eggs or seafood/fish that i still ate at all . ive ordered some great vegan cook books , my fav is vegan cooking for one , brilliant ! so many recipies and all for 1 person so theres so much choice and of course the portion control is right there ,sorted !!

been making my own vegan grainy bread for when i do have a little and its fab .
cant praise it enough i feel fab , less bloated , calm (odd i know ) and havent felt a single moment where i could raid the fridge/cupboard /cookie jar ! now theres a new concept

so this week another 2 lb off and i think that is amazing 7.6 lb in 2 weeks and im eating ! wow !
well done to everyone , we all seem to be slowly climbing on top of our own food demons and refocusing in our own ways , thats got to be a good thing !!! good luck for this week everyone xx