Blimey G_o_D, you don't like setting easy targets do you? Congratulations on getting back into training though.
Welcome Westie, as you know you're always welcome in the LL family on Minimins

and as we're all coming to terms with the fact that the journey is a long and winding road (hmm that would make a good song title), with food 'speed bumps' along the way and many pot holes that we often can't see in advance!
So January is oficially over (hooray, miserable busy month), and we move into Feb in better shape than we started the year.
I've had a pretty goood month overall. Been very sensible and 'on plan' for 14 days (inc no booze), then last 2 weeks had a little wine & more carbohydrates whilst being conscious of food intake 95% of the time (ok a small indiscretion or 2 on weekends). Started on 01/01/10 at 14st 2lb (ouch), weight at 01/02/10 12st 8lb

and slap bang in the middle of my 'allowed' weight range
Lessons learned:
1. No matter how hard I try, I will put on weight at an alarming rate
2. This is normal
3. I can and do have the will power to stop weight gain
4. Losing weight can happen naturally (ie I don't 'have' to be abstinent)
5. I definately feel happier & healthier when not loading on carbohydrates

so a good month with a few more useful lessions learned. How about the rest of you? Has January shaped up how you hoped it would?