Maintaining with Howard's Way

Hi Abbie and everyone,

Just a quick post, haven't had a minute as been working all the hours it seems and in this day and age, you have to do what the boss wants to keep your job...:rolleyes:

Anyway, really pleased as with all that, have managed to lose a pound this week without even trying (probably not thought about food but still really pleased). ;)

Hope everyone else is doing okay,
Love Karen. xx
Hi everyone,

Just a quick message to say Hi to everyone. It must be that time of year, because I haven't stopped either and cannot believe it is June already!!
I am glad you are doing well Karen, so keep up the good work and the same for you Abbie......Well done.

love Holly.XXX
Hi All,

Sorry I have been rubbish with posting recently too. Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I'm still on track and have my end of month 5 weigh in later today so hoping to have reached the 5 stone marker to keep me on track. Take care everyone xxx
Hi All,

Well done Lady Gaga, you are doing fantasic!
I know what you mean about posting, don't you find you can do it for a few weeks/days and then you get busy and time flies by and boom, you look and think, is it really that long since my last posting?

Karen you are doing so well, I cannot wait to get to where you are, but I am so pleased with myself, I have never kept to a diet for so long. I never thought Howard's Way diet would still be part of my life and me feeling so good about myself.

I know, shut up Abbie, you are getting boring now!!

Anyway keep up the good work everyone,

love Abbie.XX
Wowser Abbie- huge congrats- you are doing so well and have caought up with me as looks like we are both on a 71lb loss! Well done indeed babe. I find it sooooooo hard to know where to post now as we have so many threads going on. I keep a diary in the exante section so anyone can always follow me in there if interested but beware there may be food talk as I am following a different plan to HW. Still happy tho as weight is coming off and allowing me to make sensible choices which hopefully will help me in the future.

I'm off camping this weekend so really looking forward to that.

Hope everyone else is doing ok too. Huge congrats to you all xxx
Hi again Lady Gaga,

I cannot believe it! I feel a little guilty, as we were the same last week. But hey I lost 5lbs this week! 5lbs! I cannot stop smiling! I did up my water this week to 4 and half litres and whooosh the scales said 'Well done you!' My Locum was so excited and said I really deserved to lose that amount, because all I have had going on whilst on the diet, I have stuck to it to the letter.

Anyway, I won't go on about it, but I am so so happy. I am going to wear a Bill board when I finish and walk around town on a saturday and it will say 'Howard's Way changed my life!' I am half the women I was....Literally!! (Well it sounded good in my head).

Must fly and reply on the other threads..........and about my loss this week.

Love Abbie.X
Hi Abbie,

Just to say huge congrats on your fantastic weight loss this week, you're absolutely flying! I'm maintaining well too, have stayed the same for the last 2 weeks now, so am really pleased and my Locum is great at keeping me on the straight and narrow now I have finished.

Anyway, have a great weekend and keep up the brilliant work,

Lots of love,
Karen. xx:)
Don't feel guilty for overtaking meAbbie- you are doing amazingly well and we are following completely different plans as mine does involve food. Plus you have locum support which I chose not to do this time. be amazingly proud of what you have achieved- fantastic. And as for you Karen- what an inspiration you are for losing all that weight and for maintaining it so well too. Great news and very motivational indeed. Well done indeed ladies. I'm still on track. Losses have been so slow tho- only 3lbs in 3 weeks but am learning not to get too disheartened. Much love xxxx
Hello there everyone,

No I haven't vanished from the face of the earth, just been so busy at work and cleaning at home, that I am not sure where the time has gone?
I haven't even been to get weighed, but have been too busy to overeat, so next week I must get along and get weighed

Abbie........Well what can I say........Fantastic!! You must be so pleased with yourself and never ever feel bad for losing weight, Lady Gaga totally understands, like all of us. Well done you!! I bet your family are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!

Lady Gaga, keep going, you will get there. I am sorry I haven't been on in a while to support you, but I do think about you all and kept saying I must go on line........but then I don't.

Karen, you really are doing fantastically.

Well done everyone.

Love Holly.X
Hi Holly,

So great to hear from you! Keep in touch and let us know how you get on when you weigh in next week. Sounds like you've got so much energy now, think can only be good news! Anyway, will keep everything crossed for you.

Look forward to hearing from you soon and enjoy the weekend (is it chucking it down with rain where you are, too?)

Love Karen. xx
Wow amazing work ladies.....nice work indeed. Keep strong and happy xxxxxxxx
Hello there,

Don't die of shock, I thought I must post or you will all think I have vanished again.

I am so happy, after all this time I have stayed the same! I couldn't ask for anything better!

How are you all doing? I find once I start posting again, I look forward to seeing what everyone says.

Well I will fly off and check the other threads, incase Abbie is on one of them (or you are!).

love Holly.XX