I'm kind of struggling at the moment. I'm obsessed with weighing myself. Obviously to go from being in ketosis to eating normal healthy food the weight does fluctuate by a lb or two,
Yes, it would. Are you doing the Atkins 'refeed' alternative? Can't remember exactly what it was. Isn't it something like adding 10g of carbs a day until you're back up to 'normal' carbs levels?
I know the cambridge plans up to maintenance were vital for me. They really stopped me from going from diet to 'on my own' and stopped the sudden gain.
For me, the diet didn't end when I got to goal. Getting to goal was just one stage of the plan.
Bloomin scales ehbut when I weighed myself on Tuesday and it went up 2lbs I was besides myself. A day and toilet trip later it had gone again.
They say that successful maintainers weigh daily, and I wanted to join their gang
More than once a day isn't any good though as you know. Okay...I admit, I was a 5 a day weigher
I just want to enjoy being at goal, but I'm more worried about being fat now then I was when I was actually fat.
I think we are very much more aware of our body shape now. All the hard work and all, we want the results to show. They do show, but it takes a while for the head to catch up. I also think we assume that skinny people don't have the odd lump and bump. Looking around, I find that the majority do have a few that I hadn't noticed before.My goal was to be in the back dress on my signature. I wore it at my brothers wedding and before I lost the weight I thought...I want to look like that again. Now I'm at that weight I feel fatter then I did before I lost the weight.
Maintenance is cool...but the job isn't done. I do think that you have to turn the insecurities off IYKWIM. I know that I had to pretend that my body was at goal...just until I could truly believe it. Everyone said I looked fine. I knew that I probably had a distorted view of myself, so I had to just accept that they probably knew best...just this once
If you have a 'refeed' type of programme, do it. You work hard to get that weight off, no good messing up at this stage and it will give you something to focus on as you gradually wean yourself off dieting and on to living as a slim person :clap: