maintenance with 5:2

Been at work, just finished... Weigh in will be sat as I'm at work tomorrow. :( will post update as soon as I have though :) xxx
Finished on a measly 1360kcals today meant to be 2005!!!... Gutted I couldn't get them higher but I don't get a break on Thursdays or Fridays and worked from 9 till 3 then picked up wee one, by the time I got home and settled it was nearly tea time so I just had snacks, then hubby wanted to do a food shop so tea ended up being 7pm anyway... I never made enough so I ended up with a ww ready meal "ping" whilst they ate spag Bol and i had my magnum lol love them... Fast day tomorrow then weigh in Saturday! Soooo ready to see a loss! Day 15 thighs n abs done! Yay! Half way! Fast n furious done and 35mins hula... In bed now! Night night all! Xxx
Thanks caz, can't imagine being like that again. Hopefully I never will xxx
You are amazing! Hope your fast day is going well and I just know you will have a fab weigh in tomorrow judging by your posts on what you've had on fast and non fast days and of course you exercise. Have a fab weekend!
You are amazing! Hope your fast day is going well and I just know you will have a fab weigh in tomorrow judging by your posts on what you've had on fast and non fast days and of course you exercise. Have a fab weekend!

Thanks kira, I'm on 122kcals so far, a chocolatte for breakfast at 114 and 4 pieces extra strawberry gum at 2kcals each. Cooking the boys tea, then ill do my hula ( done fast n furious this morning and its rest day abs n thighs ) then ill make mine and hubby's tea. ( he's fasting today too ) egg white omelette with side salad :) xxx
Good luck on you weigh, I've read you diary and your amazing! I am trying to get into my exercise again and am slightly hooked on crossfit ATM just hope it lasts, well done you look great! X
Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow. Sounds like everything has gone to plan x

On paper it has... The proof will be on the boots scales!! Haha! Aiming for 2lbs off hoping for 3lbs lol xxx
So finished on 461, exhausted after a mammoth week at work. Not much to update. Good fast day, good exercise day and weigh day tomorrow! :/ eeeeeeeek! Xxx

Also seen these pics... Very apt xxx



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Good luck for weigh in tomorrow! :)
Thanks ladies, had my huge mammoth coffee, made my hubby's fry up! Grrrrr! Lol! Packed him off to work, done a bit of tidying, done fast n furious. Wee ones awakened so ill do his breakfast, shower then head to boots!!! Eeeeek! Xxx
I am so excite for you!! You are definitely the maintenance leader! The maintenance Guru even! Feel so fortunate to have you sharing your continued success. Xxx
I am so excite for you!! You are definitely the maintenance leader! The maintenance Guru even! Feel so fortunate to have you sharing your continued success. Xxx

Oh my gosh, what a lovely post. I always vowed once I hit goal I'd stay on this forum. It's easy to gain and easy to lose ( when our minds in the right place ) but to actually stay the same? :/ I don't know how I'd have coped without 5:2 to be honest. But there is so many maintainers out there, doing 6:1 or 5:2. It's truly amazing! The amazing thing is with this diary is when I couldn't exercise or fast I was honest in here. Food was higher calorie daily, and within a few weeks I felt awful. Not carb gain awful as I vowed to never go into ketosis again but heavy, lethargic, sooooo unfit.... I hated it. I feel so good eating clean and exercising I can't wait to get this few lbs off and go back to maintaining.

When I felt heavy and awful I did go through phases of thinking that's it! I've ruined all my hard work in the last year! But as soon as the thought popped in my head it was pushed away with the thoughts of how I missed feeling slim and healthy. Hubby and close friends knew I'd get right back on it as soon as my health allowed but those thoughts were still there.

Ill always be a fat person, I'm not nor ever have been slim, this is hard work, but I do enjoy it. I hated dieting, but I feel this way is not a diet.. One or 2 days a week? Bliss! I've fought so hard to get here... Size 20/22 at my heaviest to a size 8! I size I never thought I'd ever get to but a size I'm happy and confident with, I walk tall and proud knowing I've achieved this through grit and sheer determination! Blood sweat and tears! It's a feeling ill continue to achieve and will continue to fight for. It's not a difficult fight for, my mind finally believes in me. I've proved myself wrong, and continue to do so every day when I CHOOSE to exercise and I CHOOSE what I eat and drink.

I like me :) xxx
Awh! Carrie! A fantastic and inspirational post. Just perfect and you know reading that makes me think that each and every one of us should strive and make it our aim to "like ourselves". We can be self loathing when we are overweight and so unkind to ourselves and our bodies especially those of us to eat to dull emotions or for comfort etc.

You make success seem not just possible but reality. X
Really inspirational, thanks so much Carrie.

I'm a clinical psychologist by trade and would love to get my own weight under control and then learn to help others one day. I figured providing therapy for people like me who tend to eat for emotional reasons, alongside a rock solid nutrition & exercise plan, would be a great way to go about it.