glad it sounds like its going ok for you.
It is annoying about the 3 piece sn't it,, they did the same with my leather one when i got it. never heard the saying "sticks in my thrapple" though. I had to read that a few times while thinking... what?????
Right diet wise i have been ok lost 9lbs last week so i was really pleased about that![]()
I went to my old CDC on Sunday and what a joy to have a choice of all the bars ,packs and tetrasThe one i had been going to because it was only 15mins away didnt stock everything and me being me i want to try everything!! Lovely lady but i like to have a choice.
I love all the bars, they give me something to look forward to, love the choc and the choc mint shakes, with loadz of ice and drank thru a straw delicious....yummy
the bars wow!! i just love nuts anyway so i knew i would enjoy that one, the cranberry is also lovely, so result! i'd rather drive the extra 30 miles to get what i want![]()
This time i have had a lightbulb moment duh!! probabaly won't believe this but last time i was SSing i didnt think to have an extra shake or bar i would go have food of some sort instead if i had a major munchie moment, but on a couple of occasions i have had a full bar or half a bar and that seems to be doing the trick ..i honestly cant understand why i didnt think of it before![]()
LOL, sometimes we can't see whats in front of us, well you've got the secret now, so you'll be flying, whats an extra shake or half a bar if its the difference between throwing in the SS towel for a craving eh!
Went back to work on Monday after almost 2 weeks holiday....i feel like i have never been away
Ha Ha, I'm the opposite just did day 2 back at work, and i'm just not getting focussed yet, LOL,,,tomorrow, tomorrow I'll return to the stressed out workaholic I promise LOL
Doesnt help that all my joints are really aching its seriously hindering me in my work ..twice already this week my back has gone into a spasm when i'm treating patients and it doesnt stop when i try to move around. I find it really quite scary and disturbing as i've really never had problems with my back...knees...elbows...feet muscles...i should get a blood test done but you know the old saying we're the worlds worst bloody patients!!
Hope all this is, is stiffness after not moving around over the holidays, get it checked if it continues though...NO EXCUSES....
All in all it hasnt been too bad a week, i'm going to post this now in case my connection goes again![]()
Maisie x x
Hi Caroline,
I already posted a message to you here but it seems to have disappeared??
Its a bummer being back at work innit![]()
I see you've been busy with the Dublin meet party party party!!!!I love Dublin!
Yep i'm really happy about the weight loss![]()
I dont think its work causing my problems as i had a few episodes while i was off too i'm just kinda hoping it'll pass![]()
Maisie x x
Hi Jennie,
Aww thanks for the lovely compliment, i am trying very hard to accept them without thinking people are just being kind![]()
I have always tried to look my best when i go out i dont know if its rubbed off from my mother she was always immaculate and still is even if she is just going into town window shopping![]()
The glass trick....hahahhahaaaaa!!!.....well they will probabaly be like spaniels lugs in a few months and the glass would smash..hahahaa!!.......someone stuck a straw in it and i was drinking it too.....![]()
Congratulations on your continued weight loss![]()
Maisie x x
Well so far so good! i'm still in the zone![]()
I had a really dodgy time on Friday thoughI had a practice meeting and they order food from this fab little place near the surgery ...anyway i walked into the room and the smell of hot home made sausage rolls just about decked me
my resolve (dont have a bloody clue where i got it from) managed to stick, bloody cream cheese and smoked salmon sarnies fresh fruit platters, home made cake jeez it was soooooooo hard still cant quite believe i managed to stick to my resolve i didnt even have a pack to have as no one at my workplace know i'm doing CD, so there's me drinking fizzy water pretending i aint bovvered!!
well done, that is the hardest, having to resist whilst all around eat..but you did it![]()
bet you felt great afterwards even your descriptions sound yum yum, but I too am in the zone so don't mind reading about food today...Yippheee
It was only when i had another patient to go to at about 3.30 did i manage to neck a choccie tetra in the car, my first of the day, my glove compartment in my car has a switch to turn it into a little cooler box !! cool or what!! so it was nice and cold i dont think i could have drank it lukewarm![]()
OMG, what kind of car you got, I want one , I want, never managed to make the shakes at work or travelling, how do ya do it without an electric blender???
I'm on call all this weekend so havn't really had time to come on here i'm just catching up on pm's and emails (sorry folks who sent them if you think i'm being ignorant)![]()
Well next weigh in tomorrow i'm hoping to have hit maybe around the stone mark in total for these 2 weeks, but if not no worries i know i need to have lost something![]()
I'll luv ya and leave ya for now![]()
Maisie x x