Hiya Maisie

I am SO impressed with how you resisted all those goodies! :eek: Hey! If you can do that, you can do anything I reckon :cool:

Well done on your great loss last week too - totally fab!!! :D

Much love
Hi Caroline,
Seems like ages since i was online , things have been happening which i'll write about when i update my diary...

On the mixing shakes at work ...i don't, i usually always have a spare tetra carton in my glove compartment which is a VW Golf by the way, so there is no need to mix anything up :)
You can buy a shaker cup to mix your packs i'm sure someone will post a link for it as i cant remember what thread it was posted on :confused:

Maisie x x
Hi Sarah,
You'll be enjoying Amsterdam as i type this :)
I'm glad you've started work it gives you less time to mope around the house and too much time to think sometimes does'nt it?

It does'nt matter how you reach your weight loss goal just so long as you keep plodding along you will get there eventually, and if that means eating occasionally so be it. :)

Maisie x x
Hi Jennie,

Hope your enjoying the Portsmouth meet and you aint getting too waterlogged :p

Ther'es been a few things happening here which i'll update on my diary once i have answered everyones posts.
Kinda wish i had eaten the bloody hot home made sausage rolls now :( ...i dont really mean that.....:confused:

Glad to see your romance with Mr K is going well i'm afraid i'm one of the more cautious ones on here too :eek: ...just guard your heart be careful and blow that GEM out of the water it aint healthy :D ..spose its easy for me to say when i've never really been that way inclined :)

Maisie x x
Well where to start really?......ok here goes ..

Last week was the first anniversary of my ex MIL death i remained really close to her even though i'm no longer married to her son. I went up to put some flowers on her grave, came back home to a hysterical phone call from my older sister my BIL had a massive seizure out of the blue, there's no history of this ever happening before it lasted about 15 mins before the ambulance arrived which is the worrying thing.
To put you in the picture my BIL is my ex husbands brother married to my sister this happened on her anniversary:(

Things hav'nt improved greatly he is awake now but has no power in his legs and to put it not too politely he is talking absolute mince! over a week has passed now and he was only just well enough for a CT scan on Thurs.
He was being extremely violent before then and really agitated even with very high doses of sedation so it couldnt be carried out before that.
The sedation has now been reduced with no great improvement in his condition which is worrying for all as an improvement was expected by now, he has had no more seizures but with the amount of drugs being pumped into him it wasnt really expected.

My sister is my complete opposite i'm pretty laid back and tend not to panic about things, she is the total opposite reading too much into things. She's been kinda depending on me to give her the information she craves but isnt forthcoming. The results of the scan hav'nt been discussed yet and she wants me there so i can explain it to her in her language which i will do.

There's loads more happening too but its all really too much to be explaining on here.

Diet wise ..well it hasnt been great basically i've been working all day then heading 35 miles each way to hospital, home at about 11pm and shattered, this is the first day i've been at home.
If i'm honest i could probabaly have stuck to SSing but i chose not to.
I hav'nt weighed myself ..seems its the least of my worries right now. I'll try to get a handle on it over the weekend.
I'll try to keep you posted on my BIL condition and some positive thinking would be appreciated he is only 51 after all & deserves another shot at life

This post might be a bit garbled but i hope you kinda get the gist of it ...


Maisie x x
Hi Maisie,

Hope your ok, sorry to read about your MIL and now your poor thoughts are with you all.
No great changes to report, hav'nt got back into the diet yet :break_diet: but tomorrow is another day :eek: :eek:

BIL is much the same but the violent behaviour seems to have subsided :)

Maisie x x

Just about to log off and spotted this..... sorry to hear not much change...... love and positive thoughts to you and your sister and the rest of the family at this worrying time.... will text you in the week hun......

Lots of love
Well hello everybody, i knew i should never really have started a diary cos i'm so bad at keeping up to date on it :sigh:

Things have been pretty manic here my BIL is still unwell but doing much better now :)

My SSing has gone out the window at the moment :sigh: :break_diet:

Had my foot x-rayed today seems i have a stress fracture :cry: it's been killing me for a couple of weeks. The Dr thought it was plantars fasciitis initially but decided on the x-ray just to check, needless to say i'm off work and feeling sorry for myself (seems to be becoming a habit of late):confused:
Anyway i dont want a plaster on so i will be begging them tomorrow not to do it and promise to rest it up though i dunno if my powers of persuasion will work:cry:

Hopefully i will get back on plan at the weekend i really need to do this for me and stop feeling sorry for myself about it all the time.
I eat then feel líke shít afterwards but no amount of self persuasion will convince me not to eat when that urge takes over, even though i'm saying to myself your gonna regret this, devil on my shoulder says "so feckin what" :sigh:

Ok i'm going into the Arcade for a while cos i'm not sleeping too good with my foot aching like hell its like the bloody toothache!!:mad:

I'll try to post more often (promise to myself)

Maisie x x
I eat then feel líke shít afterwards but no amount of self persuasion will convince me not to eat when that urge takes over, even though i'm saying to myself your gonna regret this, devil on my shoulder says "so feckin what" :sigh:

That could be me writing the above...... exactly the same as how I'm feeling - hating the fact that I've put so much (3 stone) back on but still not being able to stop myself eating.....:rolleyes: :break_diet:

I am planning on getting back at it from Saturday - I have a meal out tomorrow night and then an interview a week on Tuesday - I could have lost at least 1/2 stone - 10lbs by then - will need to go and buy a suit and am gutted that it's gonna have to be a size 20.....:eek:

Oh well...... only me can do this at the end of the day.....

Sorry to hear your foot is poorly - I've had that plantus....wotsit and it's bloody painful.....:(

Promise to rest it and fingers crossed they won't stick you in plaster......

Glad BIL is a bit better - hope that continues.

I'm off into the arcade myself as just got in from dinner with girlfriends..... more bluddy food:rolleyes:

Take care
Lots of love
Well i'm still off work at the moment :(
My bloody foot is still not healed and now i'm getting stir crazy:sigh:

I was due to go on a Moving and Handling course tomorrow which will now need to be rearranged:(

Was back at the hospital this morning for another xray so that will be sent on to my Drs within the next few days hopefully!!!

Why is it when you have all this time off you do nothing?? or is that just me?? There are so many things needing done in this house it's unreal!!! i really need to get my finger out and stop vegetating on the bleeding couch!!! watching daytime tv !!! :eek: :eek: :eek: i'm becoming a permanent fixture & fitting!! :( :confused: :mad: :sigh:

Anyway diet ...............what diet?? :break_diet: :sigh: :confused: :wave_cry: Thats a whole other story i'll deal with at some other time or then again maybe i won't i'll see how i feel :D

Maisie x x
Hi Sarah

Thanks for replying to my posts:D don't worry though about not doing it sooner, you took the time out to do it and thats all that matters:eek:

I hope you manage to get back on the SS bandwagon soon it aint easy is it when that inner voice tells you to eat:sigh:

Speak soon

Maisie x x
Hi Jem :)

Well everything in my world is pretty shítty at the moment :sigh:
Stress fracture of my foot is now doing my head in:(

And the diet is out the window at the moment :break_diet:

I doubt i'm going to make Brum i have quite a few different things on around the same time and can't see myself being able to shuffle it :wave_cry:

Apart from that i'm actually ok believe it or not :D

I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday as miss slim :D

Maisie x x
Hi Mich :)

Thanks for keeping the offer open for Brum it's still looking like no chance of me getting there :(

On a brighter note i'd love to make Dublin:D but even with that i won't know till nearer the time :confused:

Keep up the good work SSing i may join you again in a few weeks

Take care

Maisie x x