Major confidence issues!

Yup, I think so too. His mum has actually moved in with him so that he can keep an eye on her for a little while. He asked if I was free last night but then had to cancel because his mum was feeling rough, which was a shame as it's been 2 weeks since I've seen him and so it would have been nice. He said that he was disappointed as he was looking forward to seeing me. So I take that as a good sign! Cos 1, he initiated it not me and 2, he said he was disappointed and looking forward to seeing me. If he wasn't bothered or interested at all then he wouldn't have asked or cared. But now with him being busy with work (as always but even more so now they're making him commute to Scotland 2 days a week!!!) and having his mum live with him for a while, I think it may make it a little harder to find time to see each other. But I'm cool with that, I know he's one of the kinds of people where his mum and family are really important to him and to be honest, coming from a big family which is as close as it is dysfunctional at times!, I can totally understand and respect that and actually it's one of the things that I really like about him. I have just text him suggesting lunch one day though if he wants, as my new job is about a 5 minute walk from where he works.
All sounding good :D
Saw him tonight, went really well! He's said he'll hopefully see me before I go away this weekend and then when I text him after to say I had a nice night etc. I joked and said something like thanks for making time for me again, it's this joke we kinda have along the lines of hmmm I don't know if I can make any time for you in my busy schedule just because we've both been pretty busy but with totally opposite schedules! Anyway, he then text back saying that he'd like to make more time for me, if I want him to. So seems like it's going well again! It's 1.30am and I have work in the morning, only just got home but had to do my online rounds before I went to bed haha I'm going to suffer at work tomorrow I think!!
Sounds very positive!! I'm really pleased for you :)
Woop, woop :)
Uhh yeah but it's long and complicated but let's just say that it didn't work out in the long run.
Ah it's ok, story of my life!
I know how you feel!!
I've ZERO confidence.
I always thought I'd never meet a guy in real life but if i met them online it would need to be in a BBW forum/dating site.
I once met up with a guy (complete a**hole who said looks don't matter to him - yeah right!!..) I'd been texting through a friend and he totally humiliated me. He actually made vomiting noises and left me there on my own. I never fully recovered from that so it was the first and last time I did that!!
Luckily i shockingly found the love of my life, in real life, who i thought was too good for me. I was at my biggest and least confident back then, so you could be pleasantly surprised with the people who do like you!!

Just saw your more recent posts - glad its going well!! :)