Major wobble

Well I had a great weekend in London.. didn't bother about my diet. Weighed before I went and lost 2lb reweighed my self today and put 4lb on but I can live with that I guess. Will just have to try harder this week to get rid off it. If I break even and get back to the 195.4lbs I guess I will be fine with that :sigh:
Well I had a great weekend in London.. didn't bother about my diet. Weighed before I went and lost 2lb reweighed my self today and put 4lb on but I can live with that I guess. Will just have to try harder this week to get rid off it. If I break even and get back to the 195.4lbs I guess I will be fine with that :sigh:

Probably the water weight chick. guess thats why the refeed so important thats what I was dreading when I stopped for my jollies :D
trouble is I am away this weekend too aghhh and will be eating Saturday night....but then 2 weeks as a hermit before I go away so hopefully will make a little more headway. weighed myself today and reading lost another 1lb but probably an uneven surface on my kitchen floor hahahaha
trouble is I am away this weekend too aghhh and will be eating Saturday night....but then 2 weeks as a hermit before I go away so hopefully will make a little more headway. weighed myself today and reading lost another 1lb but probably an uneven surface on my kitchen floor hahahaha

Ya gotts see me sometimes Im in and out of every room in the house weighing myself in case floors uneve. I know Im a weirdoooooo lol:8855::scale:
Oh well a weekend in London last week and a weekend in Swansea this weekend boy have i paid the price..............back to 200lbs. GUTTED. and only 12 days to my holidays where no doubt another gain. This diet is so damn unforgiving. Feeling really low now :cry:
Get back on the shakes and stay positive you will lose at least 7lbs on first week back. Cmon chum just climb aboard the Lipo express again and no more crying we can do this :)
wouldn't mind had a great time.... it just puts a real downer on the whole thing lol :sigh:

See as long as you had a ball thats the most important thing :bighug: Lifes too short and you will be ok for your hols if you get back on TFR, I have had a kit kat and a small tin of tuna and I felt better after it as it stopped me throwing the head in the air and giving up and I had a sneaky weigh in on my own scales and I have still lost, my official weigh in is tomorrow. Keep at it buddy and think positive x