Making ourselves fine in 2009!!

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I have under 100lb to lose now:talk017:.

Just wanted to share that with everyone as I am very pleased. My next goal is to lose 7lb in 3 weeks (meaning a tad over 2lb a week-completely achieveable:fingerscrossed:).

Hope everyone is OK managing to keep losing weight.
2009 is up and down for me at the minute, but I'm determined to make it work!!!
Hiyis. 09 started off really well for me. I shed about 19lbs since the 3rd Jan without dieting.:eek: I was basically having 3 meals a day and a couple snacks, working my OA programme, feeling great then bang back to square one (overeating). I blame getting lazy with my 'daily suggestions' which coincided with starting to overeat. I very quickly regained 6lbs, possibly water weight.

I started LT today. I have OA meeting tonight and I need to start working the prog again.
It's every tues night. Got text from another member and she said she'd be happy to give me a lift from week after next. happy days.:)
LT is intended as total food replacement although I have heard of some people having a meal in the evening, low carb. Am totally dreading summertime and sweltering in the heat. I dunno what's going on with me, I am not actually hungry when trying to do LT, haven't lasted long enough to reach ketosis so it's not that. It may be more of an emotional hunger as they say. Boredom most likely.

The dietician at diabetes clinic referred me to a psychologist to talk about weight problem. I have seen her twice since late Jan. She suggested that perhaps I feel like I don't deserve to be slimmer. She wants me to keep a food diary for a week, recording times, places and emotions and what I am eating. I must ask her next time if she thinks there's such a thing as food addiction.
I've done a diary for a few days then forgot about it. I'll pick it up again Mon. I have done well crisps/choc/takeaway wise for 3 and 4 days. I am getting up and saying to myself I will not go to shop or lift the phone today.
:talk017:I have had a really good day. I was tempted to order a chinese half hour ago but I asked God to help me and said the serenity prayer and got through it.
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