Well been a wobbly day and some tears and frustration. Went to office for meeting . Felt very tired indeed , probably a combo of diet and post op ( yeah I know but my life has been on hold for over 6 months due to NHS mess up)
Had half a bar then went to docs to have stitches out... 34 of them all under my breasts so cried. Wound still not healed grrr so very upset till I reminded myself that it had 6 months of infection due to infected foreign body and it's not going to heal overnight .
Walked home had a red bush tea and mushroom soup and other half bar. Then got call from police reburglary last week and cos he said my complaint had got wrongly categorised I commented duty officer was a bit dim about the new system (she was ! She said so !) he then spent ten mins screaming at me down the phone for insulting police staff . (remember they made the mistake not me)
Wow hard day and only a soup or shake to look forward to . In normal circumstances would have been a large glass of red .......,
Hey ho weigh in tomorrow . This year had to get better ....,soon x