So first day ended with me eating 2 leftover mini sausage rolls (hence the Kinnet) and a handful of king prawns that were in the fridge (I'm the only one that likes seafood so they would have gone in the bin) but the scales say 2 lb down whoop.
My new plan is to stick with it until im below my target by about 4lb As when I started eating before Christmas when I got to 3 healthy meals a day I had gained 3lb then maintained at 10,8 (stupid glycogen)
Then Christmas gluttony kicked in 3 Sunday lunches with starters and alcohol, followed by nibbles, chocolate and more alcohol is never something you eat in one week.
Another busy day taking all the decorations down and getting my house back to normal. Did a lot of binning yesterday and took 4 heavy bin bags to the tip, let's see what I get rid of today.
Have a great day ladies x