Marathon Training

Feeling pretty good this week, i've stuck to the training plan like glue, and have run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and today.

For those following marathon plans, are you sticking to the weekly mileage, or going over/ under at all? I'm trying to stick to it as much as possible, but have been maybe 2 - 3 miles over each week, just because of the routes I have taken. I know that won't make any difference, but just interested to know how others are doing.

Donna - I'm a member of a running club but it is very informal - more like a group of girls meeting to run together, so I'm not sure how all the affiliated stuff works.
i go over by a little too :)

take that is too easy to sing along too whilst i run. ha
Haha, I love Take That, but I don't find it up tempo enough to run to. I really need to update my running playlists though, i am so sick of the same old songs!
Feeling pretty good this week, i've stuck to the training plan like glue, and have run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and today.

For those following marathon plans, are you sticking to the weekly mileage, or going over/ under at all? I'm trying to stick to it as much as possible, but have been maybe 2 - 3 miles over each week, just because of the routes I have taken. I know that won't make any difference, but just interested to know how others are doing.

Donna - I'm a member of a running club but it is very informal - more like a group of girls meeting to run together, so I'm not sure how all the affiliated stuff works.

I'm really having issue's with my half marathon :( think I may have to just register as unaffiliated... sucks (will wait until the week before though otherwise sods law will be that my number will come just after I register lol)

feeling good today, went to my club and ran 3.99 miles, I should have done more and gone with the faster group who ran further but I worry I'll get left behind but I've told them to make sure I go with them next week.

I have a running partner for the weekend as well, so will be doing my 9 mile run and won't be able to back out or decide to go on the treadmill instead.

we have circuit training on Tuesday which I'm really looking forward to and me, boyfriend and son are going swimming on Monday as son really wants to go, will be nice doing something different alongside my running.
Hi Guys,

Just a quick Q for you all as by the looks of your posts you are seasoned runners :)

Ive just started on my journey as a runner and I absolutley love it. I dont know why i didnt do it sooner!

Anyway, Im just on to week 3 of couch to 5k (like i said, very early stages) - im finding it easy tbh and im always raring for the next week! But my goal is, ultimatley, to be able to run a 14k charity run in June.

If I really commit to this, buy the right training shoes, read up on it, work hard - do I have a hope in hell of running from 2k to 14k in just 15 short weeks?
Hi Guys,

Just a quick Q for you all as by the looks of your posts you are seasoned runners :)

Ive just started on my journey as a runner and I absolutley love it. I dont know why i didnt do it sooner!

Anyway, Im just on to week 3 of couch to 5k (like i said, very early stages) - im finding it easy tbh and im always raring for the next week! But my goal is, ultimatley, to be able to run a 14k charity run in June.

If I really commit to this, buy the right training shoes, read up on it, work hard - do I have a hope in hell of running from 2k to 14k in just 15 short weeks?

Don't push yourself too hard in the beginning, follow the couch to 5k plan until the end.... is it 10 weeks? if your on week 3 that still leaves you 7 weeks after to build up to the rest. Once your running 30 minutes none stop its a lot easier to build it up.

I know everyone's different but I've been told I'm a natural long distance runner as I always find the first 10 to 20 minutes of a run the hardest and the further I go the easier it seems to get.
Don't push yourself too hard in the beginning, follow the couch to 5k plan until the end.... is it 10 weeks? if your on week 3 that still leaves you 7 weeks after to build up to the rest. Once your running 30 minutes none stop its a lot easier to build it up.

I know everyone's different but I've been told I'm a natural long distance runner as I always find the first 10 to 20 minutes of a run the hardest and the further I go the easier it seems to get.[/QUOTE]

i find the fisr 20 mins the hardest too, just keeping my breathing normal too!
17.5 miles to run tommorow, if i can stick to my 5 miles an hour pace ill be happy with that. its a comfortable pace thats easy to maintain for me
The thought of running 17.5 miles terrifies me, am ignoring that part of the training schedule for now! Let us know how it goes - lots of luck.

I'm off out to buy jelly babies tomorrow, and then doing an 11 mile run on Sunday.
I have a 9 mile on Sunday, gave blood today and they said maybe 9 mile will be too much and I'll get tired :/ but we'll see, if I get tired I'll have to just take it easier. I will be walking around a lot tomorrow so surely I'll sort of know if I get too tired walking around as well
I have a 9 mile on Sunday, gave blood today and they said maybe 9 mile will be too much and I'll get tired :/ but we'll see, if I get tired I'll have to just take it easier. I will be walking around a lot tomorrow so surely I'll sort of know if I get too tired walking around as well

I think you'll be able to tell when you get a few miles into the run if you're going to find it harder than usual. Don't push yourself too hard though!
The thought of running 17.5 miles terrifies me, am ignoring that part of the training schedule for now! Let us know how it goes - lots of luck.

I'm off out to buy jelly babies tomorrow, and then doing an 11 mile run on Sunday.

it scares me too.... and i have no jelly babies. :(
running gels will be needed for this one
How did you run go today Gina?
11 miles done this morning, in a new PB of 1hr 40 mins. I found the last mile really hard, but otherwise felt good throughout. I've exceeded this weeks mileage on my plan by 4.5 miles, so might need to cut a run out going forwards, but we'll see.

Out of interest, what do you all eat when you get back from a long run? On Sundays, I'm usually back in the house by 12.30pm after my run. We have Sunday lunch at about 2pm, so I don't want to eat anything too big, but I have to eat something before lunch as I am starving! I tend to eat fruit but not sure it's enough.

On a positive note, I've lost 2.5lbs of the weight I put on last week, so that's good.

How are your weeks all going?
How did you run go today Gina?

i was naughty, and didnt run yesterday.
but i ran it today, ended up being 18.61 miles. really happy with the timing though, 3hrs 30

didnt feel bad either, first 2 miles were hard work but got easier as it went on. before i knew it, id done almost 19 miles :)
i was naughty, and didnt run yesterday.
but i ran it today, ended up being 18.61 miles. really happy with the timing though, 3hrs 30

didnt feel bad either, first 2 miles were hard work but got easier as it went on. before i knew it, id done almost 19 miles :)

That's amazing Gina, well done! A good time too. What's your next long run distance?
Ended up doing 7.7 miles instead of the 9 I had planned, I struggled though but did enjoy it. I think it was a mixture of things.... I ate not long before going out as we got back later then planned, also I had a couple of long Island ice tea's last night which really went to my head after giving blood on Friday.... and also they did say 9 miles might be too much... oh and it was outside and my last long run was 7 miles on the treadmill.... fingers crossed next week I'll increase it a fair bit more, going to stick with outside runs if I can and if I do go on the treadmill going to add more miles just so I don't think I'm doing better then I actually am.

Having trouble with runkeeper though, it worked through my workout and has saved it all on my phone, but hasn't uploaded it all to the website :( I like having it all there so I can see what I've done... especially with it being the longest one I've done so far as well.
That's amazing Gina, well done! A good time too. What's your next long run distance?

well next week im supposed to do 17.5 again, but im doing a half marathon race... ill make up the milage easy just wont be the same when its not on the sunday.
Ended up doing 7.7 miles instead of the 9 I had planned, I struggled though but did enjoy it. I think it was a mixture of things.... I ate not long before going out as we got back later then planned, also I had a couple of long Island ice tea's last night which really went to my head after giving blood on Friday.... and also they did say 9 miles might be too much... oh and it was outside and my last long run was 7 miles on the treadmill.... fingers crossed next week I'll increase it a fair bit more, going to stick with outside runs if I can and if I do go on the treadmill going to add more miles just so I don't think I'm doing better then I actually am.

Having trouble with runkeeper though, it worked through my workout and has saved it all on my phone, but hasn't uploaded it all to the website :( I like having it all there so I can see what I've done... especially with it being the longest one I've done so far as well.

7.7 miles is great after what sounds like a very busy weekend!
Ended up doing 7.7 miles instead of the 9 I had planned, I struggled though but did enjoy it. I think it was a mixture of things.... I ate not long before going out as we got back later then planned, also I had a couple of long Island ice tea's last night which really went to my head after giving blood on Friday.... and also they did say 9 miles might be too much... oh and it was outside and my last long run was 7 miles on the treadmill.... fingers crossed next week I'll increase it a fair bit more, going to stick with outside runs if I can and if I do go on the treadmill going to add more miles just so I don't think I'm doing better then I actually am.

Having trouble with runkeeper though, it worked through my workout and has saved it all on my phone, but hasn't uploaded it all to the website :( I like having it all there so I can see what I've done... especially with it being the longest one I've done so far as well.

you did a great distance after giving blood :)
i cant use my phone to track long distance running, the battery goes dead quickly