Marathon Training

im dissapointed, 7.5 miles might have been better than none but im gutted about it.

itd got 2 days to go.... and then im running again on monday
He just said its not good for me and as my knees already hurt likely they will just get worse. Sad I know.

Oh no :( that's very sad, can you cycle, maybe take that up instead as its easier on the joints.

Silly question but planning on running 8 or 9 miles next weekend, I'm giving blood on Friday though, I know they say no exercise that night, but for a long run should I leave it longer? going to ask when I go to see what they think as well.
Oh no :( that's very sad, can you cycle, maybe take that up instead as its easier on the joints.

Silly question but planning on running 8 or 9 miles next weekend, I'm giving blood on Friday though, I know they say no exercise that night, but for a long run should I leave it longer? going to ask when I go to see what they think as well.

I have loads of options, we have a spinning bike which I've used once and got a sore bum and never used again! I want to go to a class a few times, get the hang of it and then use that, to be honest the amount if running I was doing wasn't really helping me tone so I'd like to do more upper body anyway, I've recorded a load of exercise programmes on the active channel so I shall have a go!
Just got back from an 8.5 mile run. It was a comfortable run, not too challenging pace wise, but it took 1hr 15 minutes, so I think i'm getting a bit quicker speed wise which is good. I've not tried jelly babies for running - definitely going to get some and give them a go. Do you use them as well as energy gels or instead of?

How long are you all going to make your longest training run pre-marathon? I've seen variations in training plans ranging from 20 - 24 miles, and just trying to decide what I am going to go for.

Bit gutted this week as I have gained 3lbs. I've really upped the exercise and running this week, so I am hoping its just the usual case of having a gain when exercise increases and it will come off again next week. Fingers crossed. I was not happy when I got on the scales this morning as I've never had a gain like that in all of my time doing SW! I have had a bit of a stressful week generally, so maybe its a combination of that and the increase in exercise.
Just got back from an 8.5 mile run. It was a comfortable run, not too challenging pace wise, but it took 1hr 15 minutes, so I think i'm getting a bit quicker speed wise which is good. I've not tried jelly babies for running - definitely going to get some and give them a go. Do you use them as well as energy gels or instead of?

How long are you all going to make your longest training run pre-marathon? I've seen variations in training plans ranging from 20 - 24 miles, and just trying to decide what I am going to go for.

Bit gutted this week as I have gained 3lbs. I've really upped the exercise and running this week, so I am hoping its just the usual case of having a gain when exercise increases and it will come off again next week. Fingers crossed. I was not happy when I got on the scales this morning as I've never had a gain like that in all of my time doing SW! I have had a bit of a stressful week generally, so maybe its a combination of that and the increase in exercise.

well done on the run, that's fantastic. I think people have the jelly babies instead of gels but not sure, suppose some would have them as well as.

as for your gain don't worry about it, if you've stuck to plan then there is no way it is fat gain. It's probably like you say a mixture of more exercise and stress
think my longest distance is 20 miles on the plan, but i want to do 22
I'm not decided how far I'm going yet, but I have until October to decide, my training for my half is a little off... as I'll be running my longest two weeks before and then 9 miles after, don't know if this will mess my half up or not but I'm planning on taking it easy and just enjoying the experience anyway :)

My mum found she got her best time running a marathon when she had done shorter runs beforehand, but everyone is different and also she was a more seasoned runner when she ran that one as well, so maybe that had an effect on how fast she ran.
bought a new cd for my running playlist. more cheese.... take that. more cheese i can run singing along too.... might seem wierd to others but its my way of taking my mind off. if i think, ill stop because my legs are hurting.... if i sing then my mind is occupied
My training plan says 20 miles too, but I'm aiming for 22 i think. I would just worry if I only did 20 miles, 6.2 miles seems a lot of extra running to have to do on the day!
bought a new cd for my running playlist. more cheese.... take that. more cheese i can run singing along too.... might seem wierd to others but its my way of taking my mind off. if i think, ill stop because my legs are hurting.... if i sing then my mind is occupied

Not weird, I've just updated my ipod as well.... added some more rock music, I like a mix of rock and cheese but all things I can sing along too, def keeps my mind off it :) again more for at the beginning though, I find the further I run the easier it gets. If I'm running with the club I can't have music on but I talk to whoever I'm near as I find that takes my mind off it as well, if I can't talk to someone for whatever reason I sing along to some of my favourite songs in my head (now that's weird lol)
or my most cringey ones, the reason no one is allowed to look at my ipod.... aqua, steps and s club 7.
take that will never top those for cheese ratings
Ooh, I used to love a bit of Aqua! Might download some for my cheesy running playlist!
I have some aqua on mine, greatest hits :) haha.

My ipod is full at the moment though so whenever i want to add somr nee things i have to think about the ones i dont enjoy as much, which is quite hard. We have another one with more memory but i like my little ipod shuffle for running as it just clips on my bottoms
Aqua had a Greatest Hits album? I think my knowledge goes as far as Barbie Girl, Dr Jones and that slow one they did which was a film theme tune I think....
Aqua had a Greatest Hits album? I think my knowledge goes as far as Barbie Girl, Dr Jones and that slow one they did which was a film theme tune I think....

Yeah they brought it out a few years ago. To be honest I only listen to the stuff you mentioned anyway lol, oh except back to the 80's that's a great cheesy one.
Those of you who are part of a running club, how long did it take you to get your UKA number? I've entered 3 races, 1 I did as unaffiliated as it was the marathon and filling up quick and two I've been sneaking and put the name of the club rather then my number in, but I can't enter my half marathon without my number, but haven't been given it yet :(
I paid my subs in Jan, so its been about a month now, my mum remembers it taking a while when she first joined but she can't remember how long it took :/ I hope I have it before the half marathon otherwise I might not run it, I can't justify keep paying full price, one of the perks is getting that little discount...
its my 2nd half marathon soon... i dont nkow why im so nervous. ive ran 15 miles, so why am i so nevous about 13?! pressure to finish quicker so my brother isnt waiting around for me, hes running it aswell
its my 2nd half marathon soon... i dont nkow why im so nervous. ive ran 15 miles, so why am i so nevous about 13?! pressure to finish quicker so my brother isnt waiting around for me, hes running it aswell

Is that why your nervous? as you're worried about your time? Just go and enjoy it I'm sure you'll run quite fast and your brother won't mind waiting if he has too.

I'm very excited about my next race 9 miles the first weekend in March, quite a few people from my running club are doing it so that will be nice. Still haven't been able to sign up for the half marathon :( haven't got my number yet, I could try a postal entry but I don't have a cheque book as our bank stopped doing them! Nightmare! I think if the week before I haven't got my number I'll just sign up as unaffiliated as entry on the day is £2 more anyway
i dont want to hold him back and keep him waiting for me, yet i know i cant do his timing! he will do the run in 90 mins, hes fast and im just not... if he parks the car near by the finish then he can wait in his car but last time he asked me to save his car keys as he dosent have pockets in his running gear