I'm looking forward to Helb coming to stay in June, but it'll be a bit strange for us because the boy who normally comes to stay is now too old (13) and so he can't come with the charity anymore, but Hleb who is coming to stay with us this time has been to our house before, when he came to tea and to play with Stas on their previous visits, but Hleb's host family have moved to New Zealand, so we're looking after him instead!
It's a tough month, very tiring, and my limited russian is tested to the max, but when they go home, the house is so quite, so empty, and last year, I sobbed so much when Stas left. Thankfully, though, we do manage to get the odd email from him, which really does make me smile, as I'm so glad that he remembers us fondly (or more so the hours I let him play on the wii!!)
Thing is, will having Hleb interrupt my swimming/zumba/gym routines??!! Our Zumba teacher is going to do them a lesson or two one day, so perhaps I could drag him along for a full hour of it!! LOL!!!