Ah yeah I get what you mean, all the muscle turns into fat if you don't keep it up.
LOL yeah, I did Karate for 7 years, I quit when I got my first dan black belt, school was getting stressful and I didn't have the time to practise.
God I know what you mean about the portions! my mum always fed me large portions and used to punish me if I didn't finish everything on my plate. That's also her way of showing love, feeding you. Kind of a Moroccan thing too. If you go to a Moroccan's house, expect their mother to feed like you like as if you were a christmas turkey!
Even now, my mum spoils my little sis by giving her sweets, and it confuses her. It really pisses me off because my little sis has lost 6 stone on LT but had to stop because of kidney and gall bladder problems. She's already gained 7lbs in total, I helped her lose 2lbs but she gained that back. So now I've been tracking her, and hopefully there will be a loss for her this week.