Mark's Refeed Diary

Thanks Yasmine....cud do with more workouts though! lol
Week 8 - Day 1:

Brekkie: Porridge, with sultanas and honey made with water.

Lunch: Tuna Salad. Fromage Frais

Dinner: Piece of "hot and spicy" chicken with a spinach salad and a wholemeal pitta bread.

Drinks: 2 litres of water, 2 cans of diet pepsi and black coffee.

Snack: Handful of grapes + 1/2 apple.

Can't believe I'm on my eighth week of this, and most of all that's unbelievable is that my weight is staying off! :)

Looking forward to the next 8 weeks to see how it goes. Got my b'day coming up in June, so would be nice to maintain for then. ;)
Nice diary entry today Mark. How come you've been doing Refeed for so long? are you trying to lose weight on refeed?
Hi Yasmine,

I'm not refeeding as such anymore, I'm back to what I would call "normal" eating...I just find it comforting and a great help to document everything I eat on here.

I'd be happy to maintain at what I am now, I'm looking quite strange at the moment, as I'm quite big-boned, and have very little meat in certain areas! lol
Oh I see! lol I thought you were still refeeding :D

Well, it's really good that you're maintaining. I hope I do just as well as you :)
Yas, you've already done the big part of it....just keep a copy of your pics that you have and plaster one to the fridge as a reminder, I'm sure you will do just great! ;)
LOL I was thinking of doing that, but it'll annoy my older sis. She's tried lipotrim but gave up twice. And she gives me these looks now, so I probably won't do it.

I try to encourage her to eat healthily, but she gets in a strop and starts attacking me. So I'm just going to leave her. It's a shame because she's getting fatter :(
It is a shame, I agree, but it does take a certain kind of person to adhere to it's strict regime and in most cases it's easier to reach for a choccy bar or something than it is to make something healthy. I believe it's much harder on this after the first time, hence my hoping I don't go back up! :)

Your sis should use you as an inspirational example! ;)
I hear ya. My older sis is a comfort eater to the max, she snacks, eats a lot of sugar and fats. Her diet is pretty poor. What makes it worse, is she's a fussy eater. She hates fish, hates Milk, she's allergic to certain nuts, she buys full fat prodcuts rather than healthier alternatives, it's just bad :(

Thanks :), I'm not being big headed or anything, but I would have thought seeing me would make her want to do it. She feels she has to compete with me most of the time. Maybe me being slim is making her feel worse about herself. I really don't know to be honest.
It could have that affect of making it worse, but to be blunt, that's her problem and not yours.

You've put in the effort and hard work and made sacrifices along the way, so whatever you do, don't feel guilty on her part. The only thing you can do is be supportive if she starts again.
Your menu is looking much healthier today Mark, I mean a little more to it, its always healthy.
You have done marvellous and in a way I wish I was as strict with myself as you are with yourself.
Your menu is looking much healthier today Mark, I mean a little more to it, its always healthy.
You have done marvellous and in a way I wish I was as strict with myself as you are with yourself.

Thanks Mary, but that's were we are different, because I wish my menu was more varied! lol Anyway, at least i'm enjoying the food and it's better to eat salad than biscuits like I used to! :)

Week 8 - Day 2:

Brekkie: Porridge, with sultanas and honey made with water.

Lunch: Salad with Honey and Mustard dressing. Fromage Frais

Dinner: Fillet of breaded Sole with a salad and a wholemeal pitta bread.

Drinks: 2 litres of water, 2 cans of diet pepsi and black coffee.

Snack: Handful of grapes.

The sole was was one of Icelands "Jumbo" pieces and it was more like a whale! lol I was stuffed after eating it, but enjoyed every mouthful! :p
It could have that affect of making it worse, but to be blunt, that's her problem and not yours.

You've put in the effort and hard work and made sacrifices along the way, so whatever you do, don't feel guilty on her part. The only thing you can do is be supportive if she starts again.

Oh don't you worry, I don't plan to fail just to make her feel better, why should I? I think I really deserve to do and buy things that I couldn't before., I've worked long and hard to get where I am today and I'm not about to let her ruin it for me.

But another thing that pisses me off so much is the fact that she's in denial that she's unhappy with her weight. Just because her boyfriend says he loves her the way she is, she feels that she doesn't have to make changes for herself just because he accepts it. As a result of this, she's getting bigger :mad:.

I don't buy 'oh I'm happy with the way I am', it's a big pile of bile, if she was happy, she wouldn't get upset seeing me and my little sister's success. I mean when she saw me in the shorts, I could see her, she felt, not really jealous in that, 'oh I hate her' kinda way. Not that I know of anyway :confused:, but in the way, 'I really want that, I wish I could'.

Everytime I try to give my support, she pushes me away and *****es at me. I guess I could let her go at her own pace to decide whether she wants to do something about it, but how long is that going to take? until she get's even bigger? just the other day she was out of breath from climbing the stairs, and if she gets tired from that, something really has to be done :(. I really want to take her shopping, find her nice things to wear, but she doesn't like it and I can fully understand why, I too was like that.

I dunno dude :sigh:, it's bad enough with my mum making comments at her all the time.
I hear ya all the way!

She really needs to make that decision herself, before it's too late to make it!

I too went through a phase of "I'm happy with how I am", which was usually after a take away or something like that! lol

It's sad to look back now, but I always succeeded in losing the weight, but never keeping it off....I know this is 8 weeks now since I did the TFR program, but on normal diets, I would be at least half way back to where I was originally!

As long as you look after yourself that's the main thing.....just don't give up on your sis though, she'll be needing your support at some point.

I have one her B/F big (as in fat)?? Just curious, it's easy for a slim guy to say he's not bothered about her weight. He'd be kinder if he told her, she needed to do something about it!
Dieting never worked for me. It was hard for me to lose weight when I was younger. It was when I started Karate and at the same time starving myself at age 9 where the weight started coming off. Only when I was depressed was when I lost weight.

Her bf isn't fat and he isn't skinny he's average. Healthy I guess.

I know what you mean, he should tell her, because he's all she's interested in at the moment. I'm pretty sure if he said something, she'd do it :mad:, to be honest, I find that pathetic of her. I would be so cross if she decided to change just because he told her too.
I know what you mean, but if he said something and she did it, then at least it matter how lame it may seem.

Wooo - didn't know you were a karate kid, better be careful what I say! lol

A lot of my weight issues where down to over-eating as a kid...large portions of the wrong stuff, but it wasn't such a big deal then as I used to do lots of weights, and heavy weights....was never Arnie, was more world's strongest man build (if that makes sense - had the strength and power, with out the cut physique), problem all goes to crap when you stop doing it and now I have no strength at all, so it's starting from the bottom again! lol
Ah yeah I get what you mean, all the muscle turns into fat if you don't keep it up.

LOL yeah, I did Karate for 7 years, I quit when I got my first dan black belt, school was getting stressful and I didn't have the time to practise.

God I know what you mean about the portions! my mum always fed me large portions and used to punish me if I didn't finish everything on my plate. That's also her way of showing love, feeding you. Kind of a Moroccan thing too. If you go to a Moroccan's house, expect their mother to feed like you like as if you were a christmas turkey!

Even now, my mum spoils my little sis by giving her sweets, and it confuses her. It really pisses me off because my little sis has lost 6 stone on LT but had to stop because of kidney and gall bladder problems. She's already gained 7lbs in total, I helped her lose 2lbs but she gained that back. So now I've been tracking her, and hopefully there will be a loss for her this week.
I know parents don't do it out of spite, but sometimes they can be hard work! lol

Sorry to hear about your sis, but it's interesting to hear. My mate who directed me to LT also suffered gall-stones and was told it was due to losing weight quickly....
Week 8 - Day 3:

Brekkie: Porridge, with sultanas and honey made with water.

Lunch: Tuna Salad with Honey and Mustard dressing. Fromage Frais

Dinner: Fillet of "Hot and Spicy" Chicken, with a salad and a wholemeal pitta bread.

Drinks: 2 litres of water, 2 cans of diet pepsi and black coffee.

Snack: Small bowl of grapes.