Gold Member
It can be so tough to stick to a diet when medically you feel unwell. I know I've always given up diets due to aches and pains and all that. But I finally got it in my head that the reason I get ill is due to that fact I'm overweight. So lose the weight and lose the other problems. It all goes hand in hand. Glad the pain has gone though. Being in pain is the worst. Whether it be physical or emotional. I better blooming nearly be in ketosis haha I'm being a right grump with how hungry I've been. I live with my boyfriend and he is doing step 2 and has been complaining about the one meal he gets and I'm this close to slapping him!!I am 21 and have about 6 stone to lose. What about you? I like those band things you're doing. I knit. I'm currently knitting a jumper for one of my cats... Don't laugh!! But that helps keep hands busy so I'm not tempted to cheat.
Your right! And it's waking up feeling groggy and ur like hmmm maybe it's the diet lol I'm not gonna be on plan today! It's about getting past that I think so I'm right there with you on the feeling bad because of being overweight thing and just being strict. Although I think the emotional aspect is the worst for me if I'm upset or someone has been horrible unless I'm in ketosis and in the zone as we call it then it's almost guaranteed il reach for food to comfort me. And it's that vicious cycle of feeling worse after it.
Lol are you in ketosis today? Have you checked? I'm sure you are
I'm 26 and right now I'm almost bk where I started so have about 10ish stone to lose but I've almost got there before and I will again.
Lol knitting is a really good idea! I guess it's just anything that keeps ur hands busy and ur mind occupies so ur not sat thinking about food! Lol make sure to send a pic of ur cat in ur jumper when it's complete haha
You will do fantastic! Please keep in touch! It's great to have people to share the ups and downs with. I've already made a few friends on here that have become very important to me, particularly Ria (crazy diamond) so it's good to have the support system in place with people that understand xxx