I think the last update was about 3 weeks ago, I've been really busy and missed 1 weigh in, then was down 1.5lbs last week and another 1.5lbs this week so 3lbs lost since my last update.
I have ups and downs with weight loss, one day i am ok with losing slowly the next i get frustrated. I remember at the beginning of the year searching youtube videos and I saw things like ben does life a guy who lost 120lbs in 6 months or so just by running and geniunly believed I could do the same. He must have been made of tougher stuff than me
I reached a couple of milestones. 2 and half stone lost with slimming world now. I did slimming world back in 2008 and my lowest weight wa 17 stone 7lbs, I'm currently 17st and 5lbs I have no record of my weight before then I would estimate I gained more or less a stone every year till I was 23/24 so I would say I am my lowest weight since I was 17/18 years old now.
I have 2 more lbs to go to be able to say I have lost 4 and half stone this year.
There are also some none scale victories.
1. I bought waist size 38 jeans that fit, I started the year in 44s

2. I bought an xl rugby shirt and its erm too big

3. I have not cycled into work this week, I noticed on the train people showed no signs of being bothered about sitting next to me, back in May when I started the commute some days people would rather stand than sit next to the big guy, I see it with other big people too so I know its not just me forgetting the deoderant.
I've been so busy I havent had time to start on my fitness challenges, had a weekend away, wife hasnt been well, and boss was out for 2 weeks. I really hope not that I can find the time, but that I make the time to pursue them.
10 weeks to xmas, think I set myself up for a fall with my xmas challenge in the 6 month to xmas thread, oh well nothing venture nothing gained. Ideally I would now like to lose 20lbs with would see me drop into the 15's, I can't wait to see the 16s, but that should happen sooner, hopefully 15's is realistic.
Oh and also I saw this man vs food programme and this guy eat 4.5lbs of steak, I cant believe how big 4.5lbs was, it must have been 2inch thick and 1ft square, its hard to really visualize what the 62lbs i've lost really looks like. A small cow no doubt.