Well yesterday was a bit of a write off. I ended up slightly over my calories due to beer. But I was miserable.
Today is a new day and I'm due to be under my targets so I'm not concerned and I know I'm not going to be perfect 100% of the time.
I have a food shop arriving tomorrow, and my dinner tonight will last for 4 meals so planning is working.
Not exercised yet. I need to make this more a priority. I'm walking 30 mins or more a day but I feel i should do more than that.
Today is a new day and I'm due to be under my targets so I'm not concerned and I know I'm not going to be perfect 100% of the time.
I have a food shop arriving tomorrow, and my dinner tonight will last for 4 meals so planning is working.
Not exercised yet. I need to make this more a priority. I'm walking 30 mins or more a day but I feel i should do more than that.