Full Member
Good luck hun!
mcv said:Some times I wish I put my brain into gear before my gob.... There was an incident last night down at the park.
My daughter was playing with her 2 best friends and one of the girls sister was being mean and spying on them.
The girls were quite happily playing, and they at some point were mimicking the asda advert slapping their bottoms, but the girl who sister was being mean did it on her bare bum. My daughter came home furious that the girl being mean.
All forgotten about Untill we went to school this morning, where the little brat has told every one that the 3 of them were down the park with their knickers down, don't get me wrong, I'm sure if her friend was doing it Molly probably was too although she denied it.
So me and her other friends mum had a word with teacher to diffuse the situation but as we came out of the class room Molly came running over in floods of tears saying she wanted to come home as they were being mean to them while we were inside.
So I stormed over to the little brat and told her to leave Molly alone otherwise I would be havin words with her mother!
Not the best thing to do as I know her mum can be quite volatile and can quite imagine her on my doorstep later.
It is something that was done in Inocence, although she has been told not to do things like that, but this girl has taken it to bully them with and I am not a happy chickie!
And I bet the girls mother won't be happy when she finds out I've told her daughter off either oops
Thankfully my mother inlaw is collecting children tonight so there won't be a slanging match out side the school gates lol
That's what you get for being a firery red head lol