minimims stalker
Ps when do u weigh?
hollydollydoodah said:If I dont have a massive loss this week I'm gonna go wild! I neeeeeed a chicken pasanda n peshwari naan!! And a poo..... 3 days n counting!!!
U shud be fine, normally I wud do it but after my crap loss I don't dare! I keep googling ketogenic food lol
franbella21 said:Ps when do u weigh?
franbella21 said:lol i better add to the poo story i went today lol yay!! yes have another pack hun!!! have you got bars yet? katie that place looks amazing omg.
franbella21 said:yes holly u need a poo! seriously though maybe u should try some senna or something? when i first did cd i had a awful experience, i hadnt been for over a week and was in total agony i had my hubbby running round buying me everything under the sun but in the end had to have a suppository but after that i think i passed a bloody boulder lol.
KatieNicholson said:Lol funny. U wanna try oral morphine for ten days = no poo for 12 days then Holly hell I passed an umbrella I'm sure lol. I'll let u know what this Cambridge fibre stuff is like xx
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hollydollydoodah said:I forced a nugget out but it Hurt!!!
KatieNicholson said:Lol how much r u drinking? U need to take some senna tablets tomorrow night. Xx
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hollydollydoodah said:Only had a litre today, tried more but it cane right bak out while I was having a cig at bak door
franbella21 said:deffo agree with everything katie said u must drink more water as itl help flush more nuggets out))
franbella21 said:Ooooh nom nom thats the thing i think if and when i eat it starts me off wanting more n more .did u enjoy it ?
franbella21 said:So far so good but oh wants a chicken shish kebab tonite :/ wot to do lol