Me, Myself & I... Lower carb, fasting, real live foods

Mostly good food choices .. But a bit of ice cream too - I had mine mini cone this afternoon my son wanted one too - but he didn't want it all .. So I ate rest if his. Not really a good plan - I normally give all non eaten ice cream to my OH but he wasn't around lol was so hot - was ice cream weather ;)

I've had 3 days of not eating much so - def needed to eat more today - I also wonder if the headache was from not eating very much last 3 days while being ill??

I'm just happy my head had stopped hurting and I can think again more clearly ;) headaches make me forget what I was/ am doing or meant to be doing

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
I have a few days of antibiotics left, they make me feel so "out" of it Will be glad when they have finished !

I went and got some echinacea/ goldenseal to try bring my immune system back up!

WI today but WDPR big time lol

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Hope you are feeling right again soon! x best thing I have found for immune boosting is Sambuccol capsules, they have got me through this winter with no proper colds/flu (just a few one-off days where it felt like I was fighting something off) which is unheard of for me since getting M.E.. Also bio-kult probiotics will help your immune system (the gut plays a large role) and repopulate your gut flora after the antibiotics.
Plumfoodie said:
Hope you are feeling right again soon! x best thing I have found for immune boosting is Sambuccol capsules, they have got me through this winter with no proper colds/flu (just a few one-off days where it felt like I was fighting something off) which is unheard of for me since getting M.E.. Also bio-kult probiotics will help your immune system (the gut plays a large role) and repopulate your gut flora after the antibiotics.

Hmm, maybe I should try something like that. I've had a cold that went on for weeks and am now having a terrible ME relapse, getting truly sick of it! :) xx
Hmm, maybe I should try something like that. I've had a cold that went on for weeks and am now having a terrible ME relapse, getting truly sick of it! :) xx

Aw sorry to hear that! Can't hurt to try... I do take other supplements for ME as well but these are the new ones this year and I really believe they have helped as the previous winter I had colds/flu almost solid from October to March. Take care! xx
Hope you are feeling right again soon! x best thing I have found for immune boosting is Sambuccol capsules, they have got me through this winter with no proper colds/flu (just a few one-off days where it felt like I was fighting something off) which is unheard of for me since getting M.E.. Also bio-kult probiotics will help your immune system (the gut plays a large role) and repopulate your gut flora after the antibiotics.

Thanks - I've just ordered some tablets for me and syrup for my kids - who are both coming down with "something"

Just assuming that it won't clash with the rest of the supplements I'm taking lol

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
WI today, lost 1.1kg of the "cordialgate" gain lol

This week had 3 low kcal days followed by 2 days of eating loads .. Now that I'm almost finished the antibiotics .. and I'm feeling better I'm hoping to settle back into my fasting days and hoping to get kettlercise class at least once a week - twice if kids are well :)

Have added some more supplements to try pick up my immune system
- Goldenseal/ Echinacea tablets, plus a mix with
Andrographis in it.

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Re: Diet issues... Of me, myself & I

Well done on the loss :)

Whenever I am on antibiotics I always have the runs so would never have to worry about wdpr lol.

Vitamin c is one of the best things for colds. Have to say I am lucky enough to not get many colds etc
Oooh cats are little shits aren't they!!! Very glad you managed to catch him and get him to the vets though!

Hope you're all feeling better, lovely!

I have to admit that the flu jab seemed to do it's job for me this year, I didn't get a cold or anything during the winter which is most unlike me. I will look into the sambucol supliment too - it never hurts to give the body a helping hand :) Thank you :)
Just made a banana cake, using spelt wheat flour and normal flour ... Can I resist !! Um., I think so :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Just made a banana cake, using spelt wheat flour and normal flour ... Can I resist !! Um., I think so :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

I have a Sw recipe for banana cake I wanna try I love it!! Xx
Plumfoodie said:
Aw sorry to hear that! Can't hurt to try... I do take other supplements for ME as well but these are the new ones this year and I really believe they have helped as the previous winter I had colds/flu almost solid from October to March. Take care! xx

Thanks, hon. I've had it for 24 years and have got a bit lax in trying out things to help, but am seeing my doctor next week. :) xx
Had a bit size of my finger .. Was nice, but know if I had more I would feel ill .. But at least I don't feel like I missed out.. I used to be unable to stop eating it .., glad I have some control now .. Phew :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Had a bit size of my finger .. Was nice, but know if I had more I would feel ill .. But at least I don't feel like I missed out.. I used to be unable to stop eating it .., glad I have some control now .. Phew :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

Well done.. I think I would have eaten the whole cake heheh x x

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Curious if you have tried any paleo banana bread recipes? We made a nice one ages ago but for the life of me I can't remember what recipe we used now, and I've got some very spotty bananas sitting in the fruit bowl...
Had a bit size of my finger .. Was nice, but know if I had more I would feel ill .. But at least I don't feel like I missed out.. I used to be unable to stop eating it .., glad I have some control now .. Phew :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet

That's good control! It's feels so good when you overcome the little hurdles and all those little ones will become a giant one you've overcome one day!

I'm buzzing bc I finally feel in control again!

Well done! X
Curious if you have tried any paleo banana bread recipes? We made a nice one ages ago but for the life of me I can't remember what recipe we used now, and I've got some very spotty bananas sitting in the fruit bowl...

I cook it mainly for my kids lol I have tried cooking it other ways - but the kids didn't like it very much .. For me I like nigella's olive oil cake made with coconut sugar :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet
Fasting day tomorrow - have just planned out my day
Pear and slice cheese
Tuna mixed salad
Extra lean Mince mix (con carne) no rice etc with LF blob yogurt

600 kcals

Also finished my antibiotics - so hopefully I get my brain back ;) and loose this headache !

Scales were kind to me today 100g down from official WI .. 87kg .. So all going well I should have a good loss come Sat :)

following primal blueprint and experimenting with the 5:2 fasting diet