Meal replacement ketosis packs

Thanks GSG and BG from me too. Still finding my way round all the meal replacement sites so your input is extremely valuable:)
Quick question on meal replacement bars. Had my first one yesterday, (dietmeal bars from the LCMegastore site, delish). Is the 'norm' one bar-meal (!) per day? Occasional bar meals per week or what?
Thanks for that GSG. I noticed on the back of the box that the 'full meal' requires 2 bars, but I still managed to get my intake to over 500 calories with two shakes, one bar and one disgusting dietimeal soup....(tomato, truly horrid, I tried pea earlier and it was fine)- so I reckon 2 bars would be too many calories for my VLCD where I like to hover around 500 per day. I can't help thinking in calories, even though I know the carbs are just as significant!
Here's the official line:

"PLEASE NOTE that to be legally called a "meal replacement" a product must contain added vitamins and minerals, not just those naturally found in the ingredients, and must contain minimum levels of calories. These levels would be too high for anybody following a very low calorie or very low carb diet. The box has to say that 2 bars = 1 meal to get the legal minimum levels. However, we would recommend eating one bar to replace a meal if you are folllowing a vlcd (with doctor's agreement, as with all weight loss dieting)."
Thanks BG. Just began taking one bar a day but - and this could be just me, as bars are popular on here, but since I had my first one I've felt hungry-really hungry, after the bar! I don't suppose I'm out of ketosis but they seem to be a hunger-trigger for me, darn it! I'm obviously trying to avoid things that trigger hunger so I might have to limit myself to sachets. Anyone else find the bars crank up your appetite?
I don't find that to be honest. I have one for lunch every day.