Megan's Diary - Start of a New Chapter

I havent been online in a few days as i have been busy with work.

I have been doing good, still sticking to it but been finding the last few days quite hard and that is probably because i ate on sunday evening it has probably increased my cravings.. but not to worry, i just keep thinking about weigh in on friday morning and my formal on friday night.. my goal was to have 10lbs off by my formal so i hope i can do it!! I still havent decided what i will do on friday night regarding the meal as i have paid for my ticket which includes a meal but i need to think about it over the next few days. i have a personal training session again tonight and im hoping i do ok in it. he is not going to go easy on me by any means, he is determined to get me fit!!!
Good luck for Friday Megan.

I went back to the gym today too, hadn't been for a while as my doctor had told me to go easy until I'd seen the specialist about my dodgy hips. It felt sooo good to work out and I had so much energy, managed an hour on the treadmill and used up more calories than I consume in an entire day on LT! I wonder if this will make me lose more weight next week? Am planning on going every other day as I used to.......

Have you noticed that quite a few of us are regular exercisers? My weight only got out of control when I couldn't exercise cos I'd shattered my leg, god knows how I'm going to cope after the hip replacement......trying not to think about that yet lol!
Hi Megan

Ditto here with work, and now I'm shattered of an evening, so off to bed shortly. Not so much time to be online. Well done on getting back on track, and good luck with your decision re the meal. Hope your PT session went well. I'm going to get back into my exercise next Thursday. Strange choice of day I know, but I'm away now over the weekend and then got things on early part of next week. My friend and I have made arrangements to meet at body pump class Thurs evening straight from work. Both of us have been lazy this past 7 weeks or so :eek: Once we do this one class, the routine of Thurs, Sun, Mon, Tues will restart. I'm looking forward to it, but not the achy muscles the next day lol.

Afternoon all.
Well i went to the pharmacy today to be weighed and i lost a further 2lb. not bad i suppose for 4 days. I am hoping for a big loss next friday cos then it will be a full week on it again and my period will be completely gone too.
So i hit my goal of 10lbs by 17th sept :D
Only thing is my dress is a bit too big for me. oh well!!!!

I think i have decided i am going to have the meal tonight. I know it will knock me out of ketosis but i am willing to take that risk to be able to relax and enjoy myself and not have loads of people asking me 100 questions as to why im not eating tonight. people are so pass remarkable about diets so i just cant be bothered explaining it to people. but i will get back on it 100% tomorrow :D
well i went last night and i ate the meal. i couldnt manage it tho it was sooo much!! my stomach has shrank i guess and it was too rich. i didnt finish any of the courses. but it was nice to eat. but today i feel dehydrated, lethargic and bloated. i know in lipotrim you feel hungry and crave stuff, but when im on it 100% i do actually feel really healthy. its weird the effect that rich calorie heavy food has on your system. oh well, back to it today. x
Hi Megan :)

Well done on the 2lb off. That's great for 4 days :)

Glad you enjoyed your meal out and that it was the right choice for you. I'm rather envious that you got to eat yummy food lol.

Hope you're doing okay now getting back on track. I'm sure you'll be fine :)


well i am doing well and back on track. only thing is i fancy some wine but im not going to succumb!!!! i did feel all day yesterday like i had a hangover however :( it was not nice, even tho i didnt drink on friday night it was a food hangover!!!!!
i am deffo determined from now on to stick to this 100% no cheating. i have no events coming up now so thats it, no excuse. i say this because, last night i was rushing around the house getting housework done, ex was bringing the baby home after having him all weekend, my head was totally somewhere else and i forgot to drink my 3rd shake. to be honest i didnt even notice and i wasnt even hungry. then about 10pm i just totally forgot myself, didnt even think about what i was doing and went to the fridge and ate 3 dairylea triangles!!!!! oopppssssss.... altho i did weigh myslef this morning and am down a few pounds from what i was on friday morning when i got weighed and that was before eating on friday night, so i guess the meal didnt have that much effect on me.
But i cant have that attitude as it makes it too easy to cheat. I need to re-train my brain on eating from habit or comfort eating. i dont NEED to eat out of habit or to comfort me. and comfort eating never works anyway because i always feel worse after cos im fatter!!!!!! this morning i have put on a pair of jeans and 3 weeks ago my belly was hanging over them hanging at least 3 inches over the waistband. today, they zip up and dont feel tight, and my belly is only maybe half an inch over the edge. i am going to get my personal trainer to measure me at our next session, as i think it will be interesting to track my inch loss too...

Happy MOnday everyone !!! :D
Sounds like you've got your head back in the right place for this diet Megan :) Inch loss is definitely a better measure than the scales, as water fluctuations, etc. can affect them so much. My clothes are heaps looser than this time last week. Keep up the good work :)

Hiya Megan, just read your diary and you are doing really well. Just wondering does your PT know that you are on LT? I don't tell anyone at the gym as they really don't like it or agree with it.
Your losses are fab, keep it up :)
Emma x
Hi emma yes he knows im on it. He didnt agree with it at the start but he said if it was something i really felt i needed to do then he would support me and set our workouts according to my energy levels.

i dont want to go into too much detail but something happened last night that i drank a bottle of wine. after that, something else happened that has really upset and pissed me off today. i just want to comfort eat but i am resisting so far.

I was at the shop and saw a poster for a new weight watchers class in my village. i am thinking about going. i dont know what to do.
Hi Megan
Youre lucky to have a PT that agrees to the diet.
About last night, put it behind you and move on! I believe its quite dangerous to be drinking alcohol on this diet. Be careful.
I know from personal experience that doing WW allowed me to be naughty every now and then and get away with it and theres no way I would have lost so much in this space of time. Have a think about what you want to acheive etc. You've done well so far, don't give in! Hugs.
Emma x
well i am feeling a bit better now and im pleased to say i didnt comfort eat. probably cos i am slightly hungover too i didnt feel like eating and have drank loads of water and had my three shakes.
still feel crap about the actual situation but have to get on and keep going! going to persevere with lipotrim anyway.
hey megan
im sorry that you are struggling and i hope you feel better about things, but perhaps ww woulb be a better option until you get yourself sorted as it really is dangerous but if you feel you can continue then you should but be carefull.
take care hun x x
Hi Megan

Glad you didn't succumb to the comfort eating, and ((hugs)) for the bad situation that led to the feelings in the first place. I hope tomorrow is an easier day for you.

Oh Megan,

I've just read your blog you are doing brilliantly! Don't give up, think of how quickly you can transform yourself with LT. I know this is hard hence the reason we all need each other and this blog.

I'm sorry things are difficult for you at the mo, put any blips behind you, don't feel guilty it's happened, move on tomorrows a new day and all that.

I hope things start to get a little easier soon hun.

Kirstie x
well i am feeling a little better today and feeling more positive about the diet. however the situation has not been resolved. (of course its man related, but not the ex)

thanks everyone for your kind words of support. i know ive only been on the diet just 3 weeks but i dont think i could have made it this far without the help and support i have had on here :D
