Megan's Diary - Start of a New Chapter

One step at a time hun.. You need to sort the bits that you feel capable of doing.. Don't push yourself to do anything you are not ready for... It will all come in time..

Good luck whatever you decide hun, and remember, we are only an enter button away! lol x x
Megan, I suffered from burn-out last year, lost my business, everything, and haven't worked since last March. I finally managed to quit the anti-depressants in April this year but it's still taken me months to get my head in the right place to really can't do it ALL at one time in my view. I think perhaps you need to get the depression under control first, I know that losing weight will make you feel a lot better in the long run but, as everybody doing this will testify, this diet is an emotional roller-coaster!

You have to look after yourself, LT is sooooo hard and if you do some research you will see that there are other diets out there with far more options but still offering great weight loss.....why not look up some of them on here.

Oh, and I know that I don't need to tell you this cos you already know but.....keep up the exercise sweetheart.

We're all here for you whatever you decide to do xx
Hi Megan. I'm sorry to hear things are so rough for you right now. It sounds like you're making some sensible decisions though to take care of yourself. I hope things get easier soon and the anti d's bring some relief. Be kind to yourself my lovely xx
Megan, sorry to hear you are having a bad time. I am similar to you, split from my husband last year, its tough! I've been on the happy pills as I call them for 9 years now. They will make you feel better hopefully, give them a few weeks to get into your system. Its a lot to take on dealing with depression and a strict diet.
I've just had mine reduced as I feel the depression was mostly my husbands doing. Been a month now on half the amount I was taking, so far so good!
Have you got friends and family you can talk to?
Chin up, take care.
Emma x
Emma you call them happy pills, my OH calls them mad cow pills!
hey megan its been a few days hun hows things?
better i hope x x xx
Hi Megan

Hope things are going okay and you're looking after yourself hun. I know the diet may well have taken a back seat for you at the moment, and that's probably sensible whilst you get yourself emotionally back on track. One thing at a time ;) Anyhow, just wanted to say hi. Let us know how you're doing when you get chance.

Hi everyone and thanks for your kind replies. I havent been online in a while. well i was away with a friend for the weekend in France.

I havent been on the diet since last tuesday i suppose. i have been eating small amounts of food but definetely did not go mad. i have stilll been exercising too. My stomach has shrank so i have found i have not been able to eat big portions anyway. and its interesting because in the past, even if full, i would have been greedy and just ate it anyway. but i have been eating slowly and stopping when i feel full, which is after a very small amount of food. i have not gained any weight, i weighed myself this morning. i still however have a weeks supply of shakes and i dont want to waste them so im going to finish them off and then do SW or WW. This diet is hard when dealing with lots of other emotional stress too and i think being on the diet has only heightened that. It IS a great diet and i can see that it does work and does have benefits but i am just not sure if its right for me at the minute. however it did teach me discipline and will power that i didnt realise i had and i figure i hope i can apply that to something like WW or SW.
as well as that i am still doing my PT sessions and that is motivating me to keep going too. whilst i am giving up lipotrim, i am not giving up on my weight loss journey and am determined to have a good bit off by Christmas. i obviously wont be at my goal weight by christmas but i will be closer anyway.
Im not sure if i mentioned before but i have also taken the decision to move in with my parents. this will help me in so many ways but i am also hoping it will help me with dieting as before i found the likes of WW and SW hard because it was depressing cooking for one person. as well as that i will have more time to get out to the gym as they will be able to look after my child in the evenings. at the minute where i live i am totally isolated and once the child goes to bed at 7pm thats me stuck in for the evening. hopefully things willstart to look up soon xx
Hi Megan :)

Good to hear from you :) and yes, things will definitely start to look up for you soon I'm sure. It sounds like you are doing all the right things to take care of yourself and I know it's hard now hun, but I promise, you will come out the other side of all this.

As for weight loss and diet, it sounds like you're doing great in keeping control of things and that you've been eating and not gained anything. Yes conventional dieting is slower, but hey, it will still get you results and for now it's obviously the best way forward for you, and I wish you loads of luck. Well done on keeping up with the exercise too :)

Please do keep popping in and letting us know how you're getting on. I've missed you on here!

Take care hun xx
Hi Megan, good to hear from you and pleased that you've made some I'm sure I said before, you really can't tackle everything that you feel is wrong with your life all in one go! LT requires super-human strength at the best of times.......and this clearly isn't the best of times for you at present:(

Stay in touch and let us know how you're doing, there's no reason why you can't still log on here for morale support x
Hi Megan :)

Can see that you've not logged in for a couple of weeks, but not sure if you are reading anyway. Just wanted to say hi, and hope you're doing okay. Miss you around here lots!

Take care xx
Me too Megan, thinking of you x