Had a few Nice biscuits yesterday--about 6-8 of them--I did enjoy them, but I'm sure they are probably high in syns...need to look it up in the book

The Sainsbury brand was much better than the Asda branded ones.
I have tried to limit my syns today to make up for my over indulgence yesterday.
Red day today-
Breakfast- banana (in a rush as I had a meeting with the moms at the nursery), Green Tea with Lemon at the nursery
Then off to work....was starving
Lunch (after work)- King Prawns with Black Pepper and Salt, 6 WG CrackerBread (HEB) with Spinach and Quark Spread
Snack- Shapes Yogurt and half a yellow melon!!
Dinner- 2 oranges, kids didn't finish the pita bread with the veg curry my SIL made today, so just had a little of that (not a large quantity, but still estimating about 4-5 syns just in case), Roasted Peri Peri Chicken (yummy) with Side Salad
Snack- 42g All Bran (HEB) with Skimmed Milk (HEA)
Water: 1.5 litres
Exercise: Nada
PS- Lady at work who has a great complexion told me she uses the Aldi Night Cream, so she bought me some today, so will have to try it out