Men on the Forum

Right you bunch of Homo's.:mad:

Time to Blokeee.

No more male beauty bollox.
Throw out all your new mamby pamby trendy and smart clothes.
One pair of stale smelling jeans and a sweat stained tee shirt only in the wardroab please. Get them old pongy trainers out of the bin.
Replace the Gay soft bog roll with a nice rough roll of sand paper.
Dont need soap in the bathroom just a bit of brillo, this will also get rid of the need to shave if you rub hard enough.
dental hygiene is very important especially when in ketosis so a nice bottle of neat dettol to gargle should do.
No need for girlie deodorant as women get turned on by that manly sent from your arm pits.
Oh and don't forget the bitches like to be treated mean so no more mr Nice Guy.;)
:D Maybe I should engage brain before fingers :D


:p Hey and the rest of the male population hun!:p

:eek: thought you'd all appreciate the pink!:eek:

May I say GUYS, this thread would be non existent without the female touch...TEE TOTTY HEE!