I am afraid I have not being maintaining very well, the queen has fallen off her throne!
Since I got back from Greece I have not been able to get in dieting mode but today I bit the bullet and stepped on the scales. I have not put on too much weight just a couple of pounds but what has frightened me is my fat percentage has gone up to 36% so more than a third of me is fat.
I am also back to trying on half a dozen outfits before finding one I look ok in, serious muffin top! If I don't take control now I will be digging out my size 14s again.
So the plan is to get back on My Fitness Pal and note everything I am eating limiting myself to 1000 calories. I have charged up my Fitbit to count my steps.
Weight today 10sts 4 lbs. I will WI as usual on Thursday and hopefully will have a little bit of a loss by then.
I can absolutely get why once the weight starts to creep back on that it is so much easier to give up than start again. I am stronger than that I hope!!!
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