I did enjoy my wee dram but felt rotten afterwards, so drunk!Ooh new car and lots of compliments!!! What an excellent day! Hope you enjoyed the whiskycheers! Xxx
Hi Harry
Was going to say my day was fab. I went to the gym this morning and three different people said I was looking great between the new hair colour and the new shape. Then I bought myself a new car, collect it on Thursday, but came home had a whiskey and coke to celebrate with a packet of crisps and a few dried apricots. Now I feel slightly drunk and very guilty. Hope you are having a good day.
Mere x
I did enjoy my wee dram but felt rotten afterwards, so drunk!
I have not had another shake, to make up for the extra calories I had between the drink and the crisps and to assuage my guilt.
I will have to be really strict tomorrow as WI is on Wednesday and I haven't lost anything so far this week.
Mere x