Thank you girls for your kind wishes. Mum wasn't too bad when I arrived this morning and when I suggested going shopping for a birthday present for her she happily agreed. Then spent the whole afternoon trailing round Silverburn which is an indoor shopping mall just outside Glasgow. She decided she wanted slippers. Have discovered slippers are seasonal and this is not the season
Took her for lunch to the Handmade Burger place which was a whole new experience for her. I had chicken breast and salad. She ended up having a good time and I left her with a smile on her face so job done.
She is now going to the local garden centre to buy something for her garden.
Mere x
Well I missed my gym session this morning . Went to bed later than usual as I was trying to catch up with all the new posts from the 2 hours I was out with my pal. You were a really chatty bunch last night especially on ED's diary. Anyway late night then woke at 5o'clock back to bed at 7o'clock and woke up again at 9o'clockgym class starts at 9.30 so here I am still in my goonie and about to go for shower and get on with my day.
This is my day for spending with my mum but I am dreading it as her eldest sister died last week and mum is taking it really bad. Funeral is not until next Tuesday, a long time and hard on the family.
Weight was just the same this morning. Hope I can lose the last 3 lbs by the end of the month to finally have a 2 stone loss, it sounds more final some how. Hope you all have a good day.
Mere x
Hope you've had a lovely day Merexx
Great going mere! Your definately turning into a little gym bunnyxxx
Wow Mere you must be super fit these days good for you. I need to get into the garden tomorrow if the weather holds.
I have always been a gym bunny, been a gym member for about 20 years.
Mere x