WI this morning and I had a STS. I have decided to stop trying TS and go onto WS for a week. Too many people are saying to me now that I look great but I have to be careful or my face will start looking drawn and old. I have really struggled with hunger over the past two weeks and am beginning to think my body is trying to tell me enough is enough.
Also yesterday at the funeral I met up with loads of relatives I have not seen in ages and apart from one cousin who is like a wee bird I was easily the slimmest there. I need to start eating reasonably normal now in preparation for going to Canada which is only 4 weeks and 2 days from now.
I went on the Exante site and read about how to stabalise so I guess that is what I am now doing.
I am a little disappointed in myself that I did not get to 9st 7lbs but I have loads of packs and I got an email from Exante with a 20% off voucher so I will use that for more shakes then see where I am after my holiday and maybe try to go down a little then.
I am going away for the weekend so I doubt if I will be on here much over the next few days but I will be staying on this forum for the forseeable future as I have lots of virtual friends here.
This post has really been about me thinking out loud so sorry for all you lovely ladies who have ploughed your way through my thought process.

Mere x