Michillins maintenance diary (of sorts)

Sounds brilliant .... I'm not there yet and trying to work out what it is with me. I'm not depressed about it - just trying to understand. I won't clutter up your diary with my moans - I'll leave them in my own ;) Just wanted to say well done you two!! xx
Thanks Mary. It is great. IF I could loose a pound a week I would be thrilled . In the book I am reading alcohol is one of the things that has to be cut out (full of sugar) (I know heres the broken record again!!!) .. I am not abig drinker as my OH is a pioneer (doesnt drink) so its really if we have company I will have a glass of wine so I wouldnt miss it really . Thats why you probably crave after a few drinks. I feel really cruel now saying that to you !!!!!!!!!!!

I think myself ll keep my options open though for " special occasions" and just be really carefull after !!!!!!!:D:D
You cruel woman, I enjoy my wee voddie and diet coke on 1 or 2 of my days off..........YOU CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME - as the song goes.......lol.
Mary ,I wouldnt even try to do that to you !!!!but my view is if we are aware of it and eat healthily the day after then and watch the snacking on sugery things then we should be OK . You have to live too :D
LOL, I know you aren't trying to take my vodka away.

I agree, it works for me, I have a day when I eat things I wouldnt otherwise, then cut back the next day. Its worked for nearly 4 months, so I wont fix what aint broke.
Jan .. I wouldnt say ive cracked it yet girl . I am still maintaining at two stone above my goal . Time will tell I suppose if i will loose some more. I am not as impatient though ,as long as its not jumping up in chunks , i am happy . You will find your groove too and you are at your goal !!!!! .
Well I was born in the sixties !!!!!!! . Dont mean to be flippant but sometimes whats in my brain just flows straight out and I look at it after and go "That was a strange way to put that" BUT YE know what I mean :D:D:D
At goal or not - maintenance is still maintenance and I think you're doing great at it :) xx
Hi Mary ! Ive saved your Voddie and Diet Coke ..... Read this

Alcohol is made from adding yeast to certain foodstuffs in order to ferment them. Wine is made from fermenting grapes and Beer is made from fermenting grain and hard liquor is made from first fermenting grain and then distilling the ferment to make it more concentrated.
SoBeer and Wine contain a high level of fructose (a simple sugar) and alcohol which can be absorbed directly from the stomach and requires no digestion at all.
Hard liquor does not contain carbohydrates because it is a distillate of the carbohydrate base from which it is made. (However if t is mixed with fruit juice ,it becomes even more potent for you)

The result is that drinking alcoholic beverages is going to have an immediate effect on your blood sugar. (ever wondered why we get the munchies after a few drinks !!!!!!)

So according to this mary your voddie and diet coke is the best of the lot !!! sorry if I burst anyone elses bubble but its part of my current war against sugar :wave_cry:
Just said Id post todays food as I have the appetite of a hound for some reason ...think TOTM could be on the way. Didnt eat rubbish but ate a lot.....and the day isnt over yet!!!!!!!!

Breakfast: 45g shredded wheat/low fat mlk
1 boiled egg
2 slices wholemeal bread

Snack: 1 kiwi
1 red apple
1 diet yogurt

Lunch: small tin tuna
Mxed salad
1 slice wholemeal bread

Dinner: 3* small boiled potatoes
4-5 slics Bacon
1/2 plate of cabbage

Feel now like a stuffed duck . will only have a cup of tea later but feel like I over did it today .
Oooooo bacon & cabbage ... yum :)

You may not believe this ..... no actually I'm sure you WILL believe this :eek: - I am drinking vodka & diet coke as I read this - you've made it sound so good I may just have to have another ;) :) xx
Hehe !!!!!!!!!:giggle::rotflmao:. I didnt mean to advocate drinking more voddie and diet coke just to warn you off the beer and the wine!!!!!! You drinkers .....any excuse !!!
Welcome to my club Jan.....lol.

I love bacon and cabbage, I am having ham and bacon today, just got a huge gammon joint in the oven...mmm smells delicious.
Hmmmm I can almost smell it mary . Its my favourite dinner but no one else in the house will eat it so I end up cooking a bit for myself and have it for two days . I just throw them all in the one pot and boil them though (Typical Irish way) . The tempting thing for me is butter on the potatoes as I dont bother with parsley sauce !!!!!!!!!
I used half of the gammon to boil and I have a saucepan of soup on the go too, lots of lentils, haricot beans, butter beans, barley and veggies. Cut up the ham afterwards and I have soup of work and suppers, I love soup.
AH! Now I understand Breda! Ignore the other thread :) ... I would have known you weren't being 'funny' though ;) ... You wouldn't dare - you're outnumbered! Lol! xx

Oooo Mary - your food sound gorgeous!! My son and his family are coming down Swansea way for a week soon - I'll send him round to pick up a batch of soup the day he's coming home ;) xx
AH! Now I understand Breda! Ignore the other thread :) ... I would have known you weren't being 'funny' though ;) ... You wouldn't dare - you're outnumbered! Lol! xx

Oooo Mary - your food sound gorgeous!! My son and his family are coming down Swansea way for a week soon - I'll send him round to pick up a batch of soup the day he's coming home ;) xx

Hey, no problems Jan. The soup tonight was the nicest ever, I made it with smoked gammon for a change - wow just eaten it now and it was delicious.
Oooo yummy! How long do you let it all simmer for Mary?