Hi guys!
Well not such a good day today.....

woke with good intentions and had had 2 litres of water by 11am.... went to the school where I've just got the new job to fill in some paperwork and also hve a look round - it's very nice people seem friendly...... saw the ex's wife - again

sure she doesn't know who I am - not that it matters all this was almost 20 years ago....

Anyway, left there and went on a dressing up outfit hunt - Lucy got a party tomorrow and her Snow White outfit doesn't fit anymore - she's got a ballerina tutu that cost me about 30 quid last year for her dance show that she's only worn twice so she could wear that.... but she wanted to be Snow White...

Anyway, allowed myself to get too hungry and ended up getting a bag of nuts...... organic plain (not salted) mixed nuts...... not too bad though supposed I could have got chicken? Anyway, gets home friend pops roudn with a cake to celebrate new job - hadn't told her I'm back SSing so have had cake too.... I am feeling very weak willed at the moment....

Now busy glugging water to try and flush it through..... I'm really uncertain whether SSing/CD is for me to be honest...I want the quick results and I know I'll feel so much better and more confident again when I've lost the excess but I'm finding it so much harder (I know I'm not alone)..... I think my problem is I really don't know why I overeat/binge.... i never used to? I'm not very good a 'looking into myself' and trying to analyse the whys/wherefores.....
Anyway, I'm now busy glugging the water and I have at least a month of CD packs so I will keep going even if only to the end of the month and then switch to something else - my head is messed up with diets at the moment......
I cannot believe it is only a week ago that I was sat with all the lovely ladies at the VFBC in Newcastle - it almost feels like it never happened already....
Right - I've a roast dinner to cook as my rugrats have been severely lacking in veggies this week and I like them to have them at least every other day if not every day - funny how I'm so obssessed with them eating correctly yet I could quite happly throw junk down my neck all night.....

really am a bit confused.com at the mo!!
Anyway, I shall not doubt be back later for a chat or a nosey.....
Hope your all having a good day...

Lots of love