Mich's Diary - Getting my life back on track but still away to go - back soon!!!

Hi all!
Thanks for your good luck messages..... they mean alot....:D

I am sat here really down about lots of stuff..... first off hubby left for work this morning and didn't even wish me luck....:mad: have sent a stroppy text so don't expect to hear from him because he'll know I'll be ranting at him....men eh:rolleyes:

LOL, men can be so insensitive sometimes, don't let it get ya down, they can't help it, only using half there brains is tiring on them,,LOL..(soz to any male's who read this)

Secondly I feel really ashamed of the fact that I have 'left myself go' and put loads of weight back on - yeah I know I'm doing something about it but I just feel really stupid and like I've let myself and others down....:mad: and it is just so, so hard :mad:

Honestly Mich, you've not let yourself go as far as your beating yourself up over, you looked gorgeous and fit in Newcastle, you've just gotta get over the first few days and that feeling of bloatedness will pass, I promise {{HUGS}}

Finally, I am really struggling with the kids at the moment...... I just dont seem to be able to control them..... I ask them nicely not to do something and they just ignore me..... I really feel invisible in this house at the moment.....

LOL, cuz I don't have kids, I can only advise what I do with my rugrats when they bug me, and thats to lock them in the kitchen with a bowl of water, Ha Ha...do you think the neighbours wouldn't report ya if ya did this...its soon shock the little rascals into listening to ya next time, LMAO......

Anyway, this is so not the frame of mind to go into an interview with so I am going to havea good cry and then a shower and get my slap on and start thinking positive - although I haven't even tried on yet what I was planning to wear - god help me if it doesn't fit......:eek:

Hope you've had your shower and found something you like to wear, now paint that slap on your face, and walk out that door like you've no worries, leave the problems on the doorstep and tell them, you'll deal with them when you return, but as soon as you step of the doorstep, your a vibrant enthusiastic woman who they'll be begging to employ...

Now go get em!

Will report back later how I get on.....

Lots of love
Hey, Missus - remember those days on SS when you feel pants? Guess you're having one today. This too will pass, my luv!!

I've been telling all my clients on here who didn't meet you at the VFBC how stupendously fabulous you are - even better in real life than online (if that's possible) - and how much I luvved ya!!

You rock HARD - so you tart yourself up and get yourself to that interview and show them what a brill person you are, hun.

If you don't get it - they're W&NKERS!!!
Just a very quick post before I leave to say thank you all so much for your lovely comments..... I guess it's just one of those days:rolleyes:

I have my interview outfit on and it's v tight but as I haven't anything looser it'll have to do.....:rolleyes:

When I get back I have decided to change my ticker to reflect the weight I have already lost (or not put back on....LOL) as I hope this will make me feel better:confused:

Anyway, the sky is as black as night so whats the betting it's gonna p**s it down - again - it is so windy too - If I wasn't so heavy I'm sure I'd be blown away....LOL!!!

OK guys - here I go:

Had a cry - check!!
Had a shower - check!!
Got me slap on - check!!
Look smart(ish) - check
Had some water (1lt) - check
Had a pack - check
Gonna knock em dead so they are begging me to work for them? - DAMN RIGHT I AM!!!!!!

Laters and love
Hi all!
Thanks for your good luck messages..... they mean alot....:D

I am sat here really down about lots of stuff..... first off hubby left for work this morning and didn't even wish me luck....:mad: have sent a stroppy text so don't expect to hear from him because he'll know I'll be ranting at him....men eh:rolleyes: Secondly I feel really ashamed of the fact that I have 'left myself go' and put loads of weight back on - yeah I know I'm doing something about it but I just feel really stupid and like I've let myself and others down....:mad: and it is just so, so hard :mad: Finally, I am really struggling with the kids at the moment...... I just dont seem to be able to control them..... I ask them nicely not to do something and they just ignore me..... I really feel invisible in this house at the moment.....

Anyway, this is so not the frame of mind to go into an interview with so I am going to havea good cry and then a shower and get my slap on and start thinking positive - although I haven't even tried on yet what I was planning to wear - god help me if it doesn't fit......:eek:

Will report back later how I get on.....

Lots of love

Awww hun.. (((HUGS))), I'm sorry you're feeling so down today. Its probably just one of those days, I hope you start to feel better soon. Good luck with the interview today:D
Well peeps - I left here under a huge black cloud (not just my mood....LOL) and it absolutely threw it down with rain all the way to the interview and windy too - I so had a bad feeling.....:( got to the school and the gate was closed and had been damaged so couldn't park in the school - just shoved it in the nearest side street with no yellow lines and hot footed it to the reception..... Its a lovely small primary school and they seem very friendly..... anyway had my interview with 3 people - the headmistress, the office manager and the vicar!!!!:eek: :eek: - well it is a CofE school!!! Interview went well - answered all their questions and there was lots of nodding going on..... had a typing test and then left with the promise I'd be called later today..... got home, changed went and did the shop and then just before getting the kids from school got a call from the Head..... she thanked me for going today (and I was waiting for the but....) and had I any regrets - I said no and she said good because we would like to offer the post.....yipee!!! It is on a trial basis till Easter to make sure I am pleased with my decision to accept - something to do with me working more hours before:confused: and they are happy with me..... so as of the 1 Feb I will be back in the world of work.....:D

It still for some strange reason hasn't lifted my mood as much as I thought - I still feel very stressed and cross.... I really do have to knuckle down these next three weeks to loose as much as possible because none of my old work clothes fit properly at the mo and I'm not buying anymore....

What a mare when I first got into the reception and was called through for interview the first person I saw was the wife of my 'first love' - he was a guy I went out with about 18 years ago and we were going to get married etc and I finished it, he never forgave me and has never spoken to me since.... I knew they lived close to the school and kind of knew their kid would probably go there - but she's a dinner lady.....:eek: :eek: - she doesn't know me and I'm not going to make myself known either.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyway, thank you all so much for your support and good wishes ( Jennie - I only just picked up your message off the ansaphone .....thank you so much for your kind words) it means alot - especially as OH hasn't dared call yet - but then he probably hasn't even picked up his message yet......:rolleyes:

SSing hasn't gone too bad although I'm down on water..... must get glugging.....;)

Lots of love
well done honey... you totally deserve it!!!! ur mood will lift girl... you are just having 'a bad day'.... it would be there ss or no ss... least ur losing weight yay


Gen xx
Mich - so pleased for you!
OMG OMG OMG!!! Well Done!

I'm going to buy you a drink (of H2O) when I see you next.​


HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Remember to glug water. The minimum is 2.75 litres per day anything else on top is a bonus. So (as I do now as a habit) drink a litre as soon as you wake in the morning - before you've even woken up properly you're half way to reaching your water quota. I've been known to down 3 litres before lunch time.

Hopefully, in fact I know, your new job will give you more structure to your day. :)

I'm so pleased for you! :D

Much love,

G xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:D OMG that is fantastic news, see I told ya, they'd be begging to have ya....:D

Swear to god reading these threads is better than Coronation Street sometimes, get you banging into your old love's wife and working with her as well!!....watch she don't spit in your soup...oh yeh, she won't get a chance with you SS'ing.

hope your mood lifts soon hun, and sure if not, have fun taking it out on that unsensitive hubby of yours LOL..
Congratualtions hunny. Well done indeed. Sorry you felt so pants earlier and I couldn't send you a hug but my connection died. I was so glad to see alls well that ends well after feeling so poo!

So you still feel a little down. It will pass babe like Isobel said, it's just a side effect. We all have those days. I beat myself up regularly for putting weight back on, but what does it achieve - nowt! The thing is that we are doing something about it now and we are more likely to succeed if we are positive as well as having support and you know you have the latter. PMA my dear and we will get there!
well done
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done, girl!!!!

If you can get a job when you're feeling horrid, just think how much you're going to stun them when you're on top of the world - whooohoooooo!!!!!!!

Am really pleased for you, hun!!!!!!

SOOOOO chuffed for you!! :D :D :D :D :D Well done! They made the right choice! Yeeharr!

Oh, loads of time to get back into all those lovely work clothes too! Fabbbuloso!

Pants you are still feeling pooey.. as Sarah says.. PMA honey, PMA.. we all know you can do it.. and so do you. You're a total star to have got that job today, feeling as you did! ((hugs)) and glad you checked your ansafone! lol ;) (check mobby voicemail an all!! lol)