Hi all!
Thanks for your good luck messages..... they mean alot....
I am sat here really down about lots of stuff..... first off hubby left for work this morning and didn't even wish me luck....

have sent a stroppy text so don't expect to hear from him because he'll know I'll be ranting at him....men eh
LOL, men can be so insensitive sometimes, don't let it get ya down, they can't help it, only using half there brains is tiring on them,,LOL..(soz to any male's who read this)
Secondly I feel really ashamed of the fact that I have 'left myself go' and put loads of weight back on - yeah I know I'm doing something about it but I just feel really stupid and like I've let myself and others down....

and it is just so, so hard
Honestly Mich, you've not let yourself go as far as your beating yourself up over, you looked gorgeous and fit in Newcastle, you've just gotta get over the first few days and that feeling of bloatedness will pass, I promise {{HUGS}}
Finally, I am really struggling with the kids at the moment...... I just dont seem to be able to control them..... I ask them nicely not to do something and they just ignore me..... I really feel invisible in this house at the moment.....
LOL, cuz I don't have kids, I can only advise what I do with my rugrats when they bug me, and thats to lock them in the kitchen with a bowl of water, Ha Ha...do you think the neighbours wouldn't report ya if ya did this...its soon shock the little rascals into listening to ya next time, LMAO......
Anyway, this is so not the frame of mind to go into an interview with so I am going to havea good cry and then a shower and get my slap on and start thinking positive - although I haven't even tried on yet what I was planning to wear - god help me if it doesn't fit......
Hope you've had your shower and found something you like to wear, now paint that slap on your face, and walk out that door like you've no worries, leave the problems on the doorstep and tell them, you'll deal with them when you return, but as soon as you step of the doorstep, your a vibrant enthusiastic woman who they'll be begging to employ...
Now go get em!
Will report back later how I get on.....
Lots of love